- CREATE TABLE - Creates new table
- CREATE TABLE LIKE - Creates table using another one as a template
- CREATE TABLE LIKE ... WITH DATA - Copies a table
- CREATE SOURCE - Create Kafka consumer source
- CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW - Data transformation from Kafka messages
- CREATE MV - The same as previous
- DESCRIBE - Prints out table's field list and their types
- ALTER TABLE - Changes table schema / settings
- ALTER TABLE REBUILD SECONDARY - Updates/recovers secondary indexes
- ALTER TABLE type='distributed' - Updates/recovers secondary indexes
- ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW {name} suspended=1 - Suspend or resume consuming from the Kafka source
- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS - Deletes a table (if it exists)
- SHOW TABLES - Shows tables list
- SHOW SOURCES - Shows list of Kafka sources
- SHOW MATERIALIZED VIEWS - Shows list of materialized views
- SHOW MVS - Alias of previous command
- SHOW CREATE TABLE - Shows SQL command how to create the table
- SHOW TABLE INDEXES - Displays information about the available secondary indexes for the table
- SHOW TABLE STATUS - Shows information about current table status
- SHOW TABLE SETTINGS - Shows table settings
- SHOW LOCKS - Shows information about frozen tables
- INSERT - Adds new documents
- REPLACE - Replaces existing documents with new ones
- REPLACE .. SET - Replaces one or multiple fields in a table
- UPDATE - Does in-place update in documents
- DELETE - Deletes documents
- TRUNCATE TABLE - Deletes all documents from table
- BACKUP - Backs up your tables
- SELECT - Searches
- WHERE - Filters
- GROUP BY - Groups search results
- GROUP BY ORDER - Orders groups
- GROUP BY HAVING - Filters groups
- OPTION - Query Options
- FACET - Faceted search
- SUB-SELECTS - About using SELECT sub-queries
- JOIN - Joining tables in SELECT
- EXPLAIN QUERY - Shows query execution plan without running the query itself
- SHOW META - Shows extended information about executed query
- SHOW PROFILE - Shows profiling information about executed query
- SHOW PLAN - Shows query execution plan after the query was executed
- SHOW WARNINGS - Shows warnings from the latest query
- FLUSH ATTRIBUTES - Forces flushing updated attributes to disk
- FLUSH HOSTNAMES - Renews IPs associates to agent host names
- FLUSH LOGS - Initiates reopen of searchd log and query log files (similar to USR1)
- FLUSH RAMCHUNK - Force creating a new disk chunk
- FLUSH TABLE - Flushes real-time table RAM chunk to disk
- OPTIMIZE TABLE - Enqueues real-time table for optimization
- ATTACH TABLE - Moves data from a plain table to a real-time table
- IMPORT TABLE - Imports previously created RT or PQ table into a server running in the RT mode
- JOIN CLUSTER - Joins a replication cluster
- ALTER CLUSTER - Adds/deletes a table to a replication cluster
- SET CLUSTER - Changes replication cluster settings
- DELETE CLUSTER - Deletes a replication cluster
- RELOAD TABLE - Rotates a plain table
- RELOAD TABLES - Rotates all plain tables
- CALL SUGGEST, CALL QSUGGEST - Suggests spell-corrected words
- CALL SNIPPETS - Builds a highlighted results snippet from provided data and query
- CALL PQ - Runs a percolate query
- CALL KEYWORDS - Used to check how keywords are tokenized. Also allows to retrieve tokenized forms of provided keywords
- CALL AUTOCOMPLETE - Autocompletes your search query
- CREATE FUNCTION - Installs a user-defined function (UDF)
- DROP FUNCTION - Drops a user-defined function (UDF)
- CREATE PLUGIN - Installs a plugin
- CREATE BUDDY PLUGIN - Installs a Buddy plugin
- DROP PLUGIN - Drops a plugin
- DROP BUDDY PLUGIN - Drops a Buddy plugin
- RELOAD PLUGINS - Reloads all plugins from a given library
- ENABLE BUDDY PLUGIN - Reactivates a previously disabled Buddy plugin
- DISABLE BUDDY PLUGIN - Deactivates an active Buddy plugin
- SHOW STATUS - Displays a number of useful performance counters
- SHOW THREADS - Lists all currently active client threads
- SHOW VARIABLES - Lists server-wide variables and their values
- SHOW VERSION - Provides detailed version information of various components of the instance.
- /sql - Execute an SQL statement over HTTP JSON
- /cli - Provides an HTTP command line interface
- /insert - Inserts a document into a real-time table
- /pq/tbl_name/doc - Adds a PQ rule to a percolate table
- /update - Updates a document in a real-time table
- /replace - Replaces an existing document in a real-time table or inserts it if it doesn't exist
- /pq/tbl_name/doc/N?refresh=1 - Replaces a PQ rule in a percolate table
- /delete - Removes a document from a table
- /bulk - Executes multiple insert, update, or delete operations in a single call. Learn more about bulk inserts here.
- /search - Performs a search
- /search -> knn - Performs a KNN vector search
- /pq/tbl_name/search - Performs a reverse search in a percolate table
- /tbl_name/_mapping - Creates a table schema in the Elasticsearch style
- access_plain_attrs
- access_blob_attrs
- access_doclists
- access_hitlists
- access_dict
- attr_update_reserve
- bigram_freq_words
- bigram_index
- blend_chars
- blend_mode
- charset_table
- dict
- docstore_block_size
- docstore_compression
- docstore_compression_level
- embedded_limit
- exceptions
- expand_keywords
- global_idf
- hitless_words
- html_index_attrs
- html_remove_elements
- html_strip
- ignore_chars
- index_exact_words
- index_field_lengths
- index_sp
- index_token_filter
- index_zones
- infix_fields
- inplace_enable
- inplace_hit_gap
- inplace_reloc_factor
- inplace_write_factor
- jieba_hmm
- jieba_mode
- jieba_user_dict_path
- killlist_target
- max_substring_len
- min_infix_len
- min_prefix_len
- min_stemming_len
- min_word_len
- morphology
- morphology_skip_fields
- ngram_chars
- ngram_len
- overshort_step
- path
- phrase_boundary
- phrase_boundary_step
- prefix_fields
- preopen
- read_buffer_docs
- read_buffer_hits
- regexp_filter
- stopwords
- stopword_step
- stopwords_unstemmed
- type
- wordforms
- local
- agent
- agent_connect_timeout
- agent_blackhole
- agent_persistent
- agent_query_timeout
- agent_retry_count
- ha_strategy
- mirror_retry_count
- rt_attr_bigint
- rt_attr_bool
- rt_attr_float
- rt_attr_float_vector
- rt_attr_json
- rt_attr_multi_64
- rt_attr_multi
- rt_attr_string
- rt_attr_timestamp
- rt_attr_uint
- rt_field
- rt_mem_limit
- diskchunk_flush_write_timeout
- diskchunk_flush_search_timeout
- OR
- NOT - NOT operator
- @field - field search operator
- @field[N] - field position limit modifier
- @(field1,field2,...) - multi-field search operator
- @!field - ignore field search operator
- @!(field1,field2,...) - ignore multi-field search operator
- @* - all-field search operator
- "word1 word2 ... " - phrase search operator
- "word1 word2 ... "~N - proximity search operator
- "word1 word2 ... "/N - quorum matching operator
- word1 << word2 << word3 - strict order operator
- =word1 - exact form modifier
- ^word1 - field-start modifier
- word2$ - field-end modifier
- word^N - keyword IDF boost modifier
- word1 NEAR/N word2 - NEAR, generalized proximity operator
- word1 NOTNEAR/N word2 - NOTNEAR, negative assertion operator
- word1 PARAGRAPH word2 PARAGRAPH "word3 word4" - PARAGRAPH operator
- word1 SENTENCE word2 SENTENCE "word3 word4" - SENTENCE operator
- ZONE:(h3,h4) - ZONE limit operator
- ZONESPAN:(h2) - ZONESPAN limit operator
- @@relaxed - suppresses errors about missing fields
- t?st - wildcard operators
- REGEX(/pattern/) - REGEX operator
- ABS() - Returns absolute value
- ATAN2() - Returns arctangent function of two arguments
- BITDOT() - Returns sum of products of each bit of a mask multiplied with its weight
- CEIL() - Returns smallest integer value greater or equal to the argument
- COS() - Returns cosine of the argument
- CRC32() - Returns CRC32 value of the argument
- EXP() - Returns exponent of the argument
- FIBONACCI() - Returns the N-th Fibonacci number, where N is the integer argument
- FLOOR() - Returns the largest integer value lesser or equal to the argument
- GREATEST() - Takes JSON/MVA array as the argument and returns the greatest value in that array
- IDIV() - Returns result of an integer division of the first argument by the second argument
- LEAST() - Takes JSON/MVA array as the argument, and returns the least value in that array
- LN() - Returns natural logarithm of the argument
- LOG10() - Returns common logarithm of the argument
- LOG2() - Returns binary logarithm of the argument
- MAX() - Returns the larger of two arguments
- MIN() - Returns the smaller of two arguments
- POW() - Returns the first argument raised to the power of the second argument
- RAND() - Returns random float between 0 and 1
- SIN() - Returns sine of the argument
- SQRT() - Returns square root of the argument
- BM25F() - Returns precise BM25F formula value
- EXIST() - Replaces non-existing columns with default values
- GROUP_CONCAT() - Produces a comma-separated list of the attribute values of all documents in the group
- HIGHLIGHT() - Highlights search results
- MIN_TOP_SORTVAL() - Returns sort key value of the worst found element in the current top-N matches
- MIN_TOP_WEIGHT() - Returns weight of the worst found element in the current top-N matches
- PACKEDFACTORS() - Outputs weighting factors
- REMOVE_REPEATS() - Removes repeated adjusted rows with the same 'column' value
- WEIGHT() - Returns fulltext match score
- ZONESPANLIST() - Returns pairs of matched zone spans
- QUERY() - Returns current full-text query
- BIGINT() - Forcibly promotes the integer argument to 64-bit type
- DOUBLE() - Forcibly promotes given argument to floating point type
- INTEGER() - Forcibly promotes given argument to 64-bit signed type
- TO_STRING() - Forcibly promotes the argument to string type
- UINT() - Converts the given argument to 32-bit unsigned integer type
- UINT64() - Converts the given argument to 64-bit unsigned integer type
- SINT() - Interprets 32-bit unsigned integer as signed 64-bit integer
- ALL() - Returns 1 if condition is true for all elements in the array
- ANY() - Returns 1 if condition is true for any element in the array
- CONTAINS() - Checks whether the (x,y) point is within the given polygon
- IF() - Checks whether the 1st argument is equal to 0.0, returns the 2nd argument if it is not zero or the 3rd one when it is
- IN() - Returns 1 if the first argument is equal to any of the other arguments, or 0 otherwise
- INDEXOF() - Iterates through all elements in the array and returns index of the first matching element
- INTERVAL() - Returns index of the argument that is less than the first argument
- LENGTH() - Returns number of elements in MVA
- REMAP() - Allows to make some exceptions of expression values depending on the condition values
- NOW() - Returns current timestamp as an INTEGER
- CURTIME() - Returns current time in local timezone
- CURDATE() - Returns current date in local timezone
- UTC_TIME() - Returns current time in UTC timezone
- UTC_TIMESTAMP() - Returns current date/time in UTC timezone
- SECOND() - Returns integer second from the timestamp argument
- MINUTE() - Returns integer minute from the timestamp argument
- HOUR() - Returns integer hour from the timestamp argument
- DAY() - Returns integer day from the timestamp argument
- MONTH() - Returns integer month from the timestamp argument
- QUARTER() - Returns the integer quarter of the year from a timestamp argument
- YEAR() - Returns integer year from the timestamp argument
- DAYNAME() - Returns the weekday name for a given timestamp argument
- MONTHNAME() - Returns the name of the month for a given timestamp argument
- DAYOFWEEK() - Returns the integer weekday index for a given timestamp argument
- DAYOFYEAR() - Returns the integer day of the year for a given timestamp argument
- YEARWEEK() - Returns the integer year and the day code of the first day of current week for a given timestamp argument
- YEARMONTH() - Returns integer year and month code from the timestamp argument
- YEARMONTHDAY() - Returns integer year, month and day code from the timestamp argument
- TIMEDIFF() - Returns difference between the timstamps
- DATEDIFF() - Returns the number of days between two given timestamps
- DATE() - Formats the date part from a timestamp argument
- TIME() - Formats the time part from a timestamp argument
- DATE_FORMAT() - Returns a formatted string based on the provided date and format arguments
- GEODIST() - Computes geosphere distance between two given points
- GEOPOLY2D() - Creates a polygon that takes in account the Earth's curvature
- POLY2D() - Creates a simple polygon in plain space
- CONCAT() - Concatenates two or more strings
- REGEX() - Returns 1 if regular expression matched to string of attribute and 0 otherwise
- SNIPPET() - Highlights search results
- SUBSTRING_INDEX() - Returns a substring of the string before the specified number of delimiter occurs
- CONNECTION_ID() - Returns the current connection ID
- KNN_DIST() - Returns KNN vector search distance
- LAST_INSERT_ID() - Returns ids of documents inserted or replaced by last statement in the current session
- UUID_SHORT() - Returns a "short" universal identifier following the same algorithm as for auto-id generation.
To be put to section common {}
in configuration file:
- lemmatizer_base - Lemmatizer dictionaries base path
- progressive_merge - Defines order of merging disk chunks in a real-time table
- json_autoconv_keynames - Whether and how to auto-convert key names within JSON attributes
- json_autoconv_numbers - Automatically detects and converts possible JSON strings that represent numbers into numeric attributes
- on_json_attr_error - What to do if JSON format errors are found
- plugin_dir - Location for the dynamic libraries and UDFs
is a tool to create plain tables
To be put to section indexer {}
in configuration file:
- lemmatizer_cache - Lemmatizer cache size
- max_file_field_buffer - Maximum file field adaptive buffer size
- max_iops - Maximum indexation I/O operations per second
- max_iosize - Maximum allowed I/O operation size
- max_xmlpipe2_field - Maximum allowed field size for XMLpipe2 source type
- mem_limit - Indexing RAM usage limit
- on_file_field_error - How to handle IO errors in file fields
- write_buffer - Write buffer size
- ignore_non_plain - To ignore warnings about non-plain tables
indexer [OPTIONS] [indexname1 [indexname2 [...]]]
- --all - Rebuilds all tables from the config
- --buildstops - Analyzes the table source as if indexing the data, generating a list of indexed terms
- --buildfreqs - Adds the frequency count to the table for --buildstops
- --config, -c - Specifies the path to the configuration file
- --dump-rows - Dumps rows retrieved by SQL source(s) into the specified file
- --help - Displays all available parameters
- --keep-attrs - Allows reuse of existing attributes when reindexing
- --keep-attrs-names - Specifies which attributes to reuse from the existing table
- --merge-dst-range - Applies the given filter range during merging
- --merge-killlists - Alters kill list processing when merging tables
- --merge - Combines two plain tables into one
- --nohup - Prevents indexer from sending SIGHUP when this option is enabled
- --noprogress - Hides progress details
- --print-queries - Outputs SQL queries sent by the indexer to the database
- --print-rt - Displays data fetched from SQL source(s) as INSERTs into a real-time table
- --quiet - Suppresses all output
- --rotate - Initiates table rotation after all tables are built
- --sighup-each - Triggers rotation of each table after it's built
- -v - Displays indexer version
is a tool designed to convert tables created with Sphinx/Manticore Search 2.x into the Manticore Search 3.x table format.
index_converter {--config /path/to/config|--path}
- --config, -c - Path to table configuration file
- --index - Specifies which table to convert
- --path - Sets path containing table(s) instead of the configuration file
- --strip-path - Removes path from filenames referenced by table
- --large-docid - Allows conversion of documents with ids larger than 2^63
- --output-dir - Writes new files in a specified folder
- --all - Converts all tables from the configuration file / path
- --killlist-target - Sets target tables for applying kill-lists
is the Manticore server.
To be put in the searchd {}
section of the configuration file:
- access_blob_attrs - Defines how table's blob attributes file is accessed
- access_doclists - Defines how table's doclists file is accessed
- access_hitlists - Defines how table's hitlists file is accessed
- access_plain_attrs - Defines how search server accesses table's plain attributes
- access_dict - Defines how table's dictionary file is accessed
- agent_connect_timeout - Remote agent connection timeout
- agent_query_timeout - Remote agent query timeout
- agent_retry_count - Specifies the number of times Manticore tries to connect and query remote agents
- agent_retry_delay - Specifies the delay before retrying to query a remote agent in case of failure
- attr_flush_period - Sets the time period between flushing updated attributes to disk
- binlog_flush - Binary log transaction flush/sync mode
- binlog_max_log_size - Maximum binary log file size
- binlog_common - Common binary log file for all tables
- binlog_filename_digits - Number of digits in a binlog file name
- binlog_flush - Binlog flushing strategy
- binlog_path - Binary log files path
- client_timeout - Maximum time to wait between requests when using persistent connections
- collation_libc_locale - Server libc locale
- collation_server - Default server collation
- data_dir - Path to data directory where Manticore stores everything (RT mode)
- diskchunk_flush_write_timeout - Timeout for auto-flushing a RAM chunk if there are no writes to it
- diskchunk_flush_search_timeout - Timeout for preventing auto-flushing a RAM chunk if there are no searches in the table
- docstore_cache_size - Maximum size of document blocks from document storage held in memory
- expansion_limit - Maximum number of expanded keywords for a single wildcard
- grouping_in_utc - Enables using UTC timezone for grouping time fields
- ha_period_karma - Agent mirror statistics window size
- ha_ping_interval - Interval between agent mirror pings
- hostname_lookup - Hostnames renew strategy
- jobs_queue_size - Defines the maximum number of "jobs" allowed in the queue simultaneously
- join_batch_size - Defines batch size for table joins to balance performance and memory usage
- join_cache_size - Defines cache size for reusing JOIN query results
- listen - Specifies IP address and port or Unix-domain socket path for searchd to listen on
- listen_backlog - TCP listen backlog
- listen_tfo - Enables TCP_FASTOPEN flag for all listeners
- log - Path to Manticore server log file
- max_batch_queries - Limits the number of queries per batch
- max_connections - Maximum number of active connections
- max_filters - Maximum allowed per-query filter count
- max_filter_values - Maximum allowed per-filter values count
- max_open_files - Maximum number of files allowed to be opened by server
- max_packet_size - Maximum allowed network packet size
- mysql_version_string - Server version string returned via MySQL protocol
- net_throttle_accept - Defines how many clients are accepted on each iteration of the network loop
- net_throttle_action - Defines how many requests are processed on each iteration of the network loop
- net_wait_tm - Controls busy loop interval of a network thread
- net_workers - Number of network threads
- network_timeout - Network timeout for client requests
- node_address - Specifies network address of the node
- persistent_connections_limit - Maximum number of simultaneous persistent connections to remote persistent agents
- pid_file - Path to Manticore server pid file
- predicted_time_costs - Costs for the query time prediction model
- preopen_tables - Determines whether to forcibly preopen all tables on startup
- pseudo_sharding - Enables pseudo-sharding for search queries to plain and real-time tables
- qcache_max_bytes - Maximum RAM allocated for cached result sets
- qcache_thresh_msec - Minimum wall time threshold for a query result to be cached
- qcache_ttl_sec - Expiration period for a cached result set
- query_log - Path to query log file
- query_log_format - Query log format
- query_log_min_msec - Prevents logging too fast queries
- query_log_mode - Query log file permissions mode
- read_buffer_docs - Per-keyword read buffer size for document lists
- read_buffer_hits - Per-keyword read buffer size for hit lists
- read_unhinted - Unhinted read size
- rt_flush_period - How often Manticore flushes real-time tables' RAM chunks to disk
- rt_merge_iops - Maximum number of I/O operations (per second) that real-time chunks merging thread is allowed to do
- rt_merge_maxiosize - Maximum size of an I/O operation that real-time chunks merging thread is allowed to do
- seamless_rotate - Prevents searchd stalls while rotating tables with huge amounts of data to precache
- secondary_indexes - Enables using secondary indexes for search queries
- server_id - Server identifier used as a seed to generate a unique document ID
- shutdown_timeout - Searchd
timeout - shutdown_token - SHA1 hash of the password required to invoke
command from VIP SQL connection - snippets_file_prefix - Prefix to prepend to the local file names when generating snippets in
mode - sphinxql_state - Path to file where the current SQL state will be serialized
- sphinxql_timeout - Maximum time to wait between requests from a MySQL client
- ssl_ca - Path to SSL Certificate Authority certificate file
- ssl_cert - Path to server's SSL certificate
- ssl_key - Path to SSL certificate key of the server
- subtree_docs_cache - Maximum common subtree document cache size
- subtree_hits_cache - Maximum common subtree hit cache size, per-query
- timezone - Timezone used by date/time-related functions
- thread_stack - Maximum stack size for a job
- unlink_old - Whether to unlink .old table copies on successful rotation
- watchdog - Whether to enable or disable Manticore server watchdog
searchd [OPTIONS]
- --config, -c - Specifies the path to the configuration file
- --console - Forces the server to run in console mode
- --coredump - Enables core dump saving upon crash
- --cpustats - Enables CPU time reporting
- --delete - Removes the Manticore service from Microsoft Management Console and other locations where services are registered
- --force-preread - Prevents the server from serving incoming connections until table files are pre-read
- --help, -h - Displays all available parameters
- --table (--index) - Restricts the server to serve only the specified table
- --install - Installs searchd as a service in Microsoft Management Console
- --iostats - Enables input/output reporting
- --listen, -l - Overrides listen from the configuration file
- --logdebug, --logdebugv, --logdebugvv - Enables additional debug output in the server log
- --logreplication - Enables extra replication debug output in the server log
- --new-cluster - Initializes a replication cluster and sets the server as a reference node with cluster restart protection
- --new-cluster-force - Initializes a replication cluster and sets the server as a reference node, bypassing cluster restart protection
- --nodetach - Keeps searchd running in the foreground
- --ntservice - Used by Microsoft Management Console to launch searchd as a service on Windows platforms
- --pidfile - Overrides pid_file in the configuration file
- --port, p - Specifies the port searchd should listen on, ignoring the port specified in the configuration file
- --replay-flags - Sets additional binary log replay options
- --servicename - Assigns the given name to searchd when installing or deleting the service, as displayed in Microsoft Management Console
- --status - Queries the running search service to return its status
- --stop - Stops the Manticore server
- --stopwait - Stops the Manticore server gracefully
- --strip-path - Removes path names from all file names referenced in the table
- -v - Displays version information
- MANTICORE_TRACK_DAEMON_SHUTDOWN - Enables detailed logging during searchd shutdown
Assorted table maintenance features helpful for troubleshooting.
indextool <command> [options]
Utilized for dumping various debug information related to the physical table.
indextool <command> [options]
- --config, -c - Specifies the path to the configuration file
- --quiet, -q - Keeps indextool quiet; no banner output, etc.
- --help, -h - Lists all available parameters
- -v - Displays version information
- Indextool - Verifies the configuration file
- --buildidf - Builds an IDF file from one or more dictionary dumps
- --build-infixes - Builds infixes for an existing dict=keywords table
- --dumpheader - Quickly dumps the provided table header file
- --dumpconfig - Dumps table definition from the given table header file in a nearly compliant manticore.conf format
- --dumpheader - Dumps table header by table name while looking up the header path in the configuration file
- --dumpdict - Dumps the table dictionary
- --dumpdocids - Dumps document IDs by table name
- --dumphitlist - Dumps all occurrences of the given keyword/id in the specified table
- --docextract - Runs table check pass on entire dictionary/docs/hits and collects all words and hits belonging to the requested document
- --fold - Tests tokenization based on table settings
- --htmlstrip - Filters STDIN using HTML stripper settings for the specified table
- --mergeidf - Merges multiple .idf files into a single file
- --morph - Applies morphology to the provided STDIN and outputs the result to stdout
- --check - Checks table data files for consistency
- --check-id-dups - Checks for duplicate IDs
- --check-disk-chunk - Checks a single disk chunk of an RT table
- --strip-path - Removes path names from all file names referenced in the table
- --rotate - Determines whether to check a table waiting for rotation when using
- --apply-killlists - Applies kill-lists for all tables listed in the configuration file
Splits compound words into their components.
wordbreaker [-dict path/to/dictionary_file] {split|test|bench}
- STDIN - Accepts a string to break into parts
- -dict - Specifies the dictionary file to use
- split|test|bench - Specifies the command
Extracts the contents of a dictionary file using ispell or MySpell format
spelldump [options] <dictionary> <affix> [result] [locale-name]
- dictionary - Main dictionary file
- affix - Affix file for the dictionary
- result - Specifies the output destination for the dictionary data
- locale-name - Specifies the locale details to use
A comprehensive alphabetical list of keywords currently reserved in Manticore SQL syntax (thus, they cannot be used as identifiers).
- 2.4.1
- 2.5.1
- 2.6.0
- 2.6.1
- 2.6.2
- 2.6.3
- 2.6.4
- 2.7.0
- 2.7.1
- 2.7.2
- 2.7.3
- 2.7.4
- 2.7.5
- 2.8.0
- 2.8.1
- 2.8.2
- 3.0.0
- 3.0.2
- 3.1.0
- 3.1.2
- 3.2.0
- 3.2.2
- 3.3.0
- 3.4.0
- 3.4.2
- 3.5.0
- 3.5.2
- 3.5.4
- 4.0.2
- 4.2.0
- 5.0.2. Installation page
- 6.0.0. Installation page
- 6.0.2. Installation page
- 6.0.4. Installation page
- 6.2.0. Installation page
- 6.2.12. Installation page
- 6.3.0. Installation page
- 6.3.2. Installation page
- 6.3.4. Installation page
- 6.3.6. Installation page
- 6.3.8. Installation page
- 7.0.0. Installation page
- 7.4.6. Installation page