DROP PLUGIN plugin_name TYPE 'plugin_type'

Marks the designated plugin for unloading. The unloading process is not instantaneous, as concurrent queries may still be utilizing it. Nevertheless, following a DROP, new queries will no longer have access to the plugin. Subsequently, when all ongoing queries involving the plugin have finished, the plugin will be unloaded. If all plugins from the specified library are unloaded, the library will also be automatically unloaded.

mysql> DROP PLUGIN myranker TYPE 'ranker';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


DELETE BUDDY PLUGIN <username/package name on>

NOTE: DELETE BUDDY PLUGIN requires Manticore Buddy. If it doesn't work, make sure Buddy is installed.

This action instantly and permanently removes the installed plugin from the plugin_dir. Once removed, the plugin's features will no longer be available.

  • Example
DELETE BUDDY PLUGIN manticoresoftware/buddy-plugin-show-hostname

Enabling and disabling Buddy plugins

To simplify the control of Buddy plugins, especially when developing a new one or modifying an existing one, the enable and disable Buddy plugin commands are provided. These commands act temporarily during runtime and will reset to their defaults after restarting the daemon or performing a Buddy reset. To permanently disable a plugin, it must be removed.

You need the fully qualified package name of the plugin to enable or disable it. To find it, you can run the SHOW BUDDY PLUGINS query and look for the full qualified name in the package field. For example, the SHOW plugin has the fully qualified name manticoresoftware/buddy-plugin-show.


ENABLE BUDDY PLUGIN <username/package name on>

NOTE: ENABLE BUDDY PLUGIN requires Manticore Buddy. If it doesn't work, make sure Buddy is installed.

This command reactivates a previously disabled Buddy plugin, allowing it to process your requests again.

  • SQL
ENABLE BUDDY PLUGIN manticoresoftware/buddy-plugin-show


DISABLE BUDDY PLUGIN <username/package name on>

This command deactivates an active Buddy plugin, preventing it from processing any further requests.

  • SQL
DISABLE BUDDY PLUGIN manticoresoftware/buddy-plugin-show

After disabling, if you try the SHOW QUERIES command, you'll encounter an error because the plugin is disabled.



Reloads all plugins (UDFs, rankers, etc.) from a given library. In a sense, the reload process is transactional, ensuring that:

  1. all plugins are successfully updated to their new versions;
  2. the update is atomic, meaning all plugins are replaced simultaneously. This atomicity ensures that queries using multiple functions from a reloaded library will never mix old and new versions.

During the RELOAD, the set of plugins is guaranteed to be consistent; they will either be all old or all new.

The reload process is also seamless, as some version of a reloaded plugin will always be available for concurrent queries, without any temporary disruptions. This is an improvement over using a pair of DROP and CREATE statements for reloading. With those, there is a brief window between the DROP and the subsequent CREATE during which queries technically refer to an unknown plugin and will therefore fail.

If there's any failure, RELOAD PLUGINS does nothing, retains the old plugins, and reports an error.

On Windows, overwriting or deleting a DLL library currently in use can be problematic. However, you can still rename it, place a new version under the old name, and then RELOAD will work. After a successful reload, you'll also be able to delete the renamed old library.

mysql> RELOAD PLUGINS FROM SONAME 'udfexample.dll';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)