⪢ Security

Read-only mode

Read-only mode for a connection disables any table or global modifications. Therefore, queries like create, drop, various types of alter, attach, optimize, and data modification queries such as insert, replace, delete, update, and others will all be rejected. Changing daemon-wide settings using SET GLOBAL is also not possible in this mode.

However, you can still perform all search operations, generate snippets, and run CALL PQ queries. Additionally, you can modify local (connection-wide) settings.

To check if your current connection is read-only or not, execute the show variables like 'session_read_only' statement. A value of 1 indicates read-only, while 0 means not read-only (usual).


Typically, you define a separate listen directive in read-only mode by adding the suffix _readonly to it. However, you can also do this interactively for the current connection by executing the SET ro=1 statement via SQL.


If you're connected to a VIP socket, you can execute SET ro=0 (even if the socket you are connected to was defined as read-only in the config and not interactively). This will switch the connection to the usual (not read-only) mode with all modifications allowed.

For standard (non-VIP) connections, escaping read-only mode is only possible by reconnecting if it was set interactively, or by updating the configuration file and restarting the daemon.

⪢ Logging