Search profiling

How a query is interpreted

Consider this complex query example:

"hello world" @title "example program"~5 @body python -(php|perl) @* code

The full meaning of this search is:

  • Locate the words 'hello' and 'world' adjacently in any field within a document;
  • Additionally, the same document must also contain the words 'example' and 'program' in the title field, with up to, but not including, 5 words between them; (For instance, "example PHP program" would match, but "example script to introduce outside data into the correct context for your program" would not, as there are 5 or more words between the two terms)
  • Furthermore, the same document must have the word 'python' in the body field, while excluding 'php' or 'perl';
  • Finally, the same document must include the word 'code' in any field.

The OR operator takes precedence over AND, so "looking for cat | dog | mouse" means "looking for (cat | dog | mouse)" rather than "(looking for cat) | dog | mouse".

To comprehend how a query will be executed, Manticore Search provides query profiling tools to examine the query tree generated by a query expression.

Profiling the query tree in SQL

To enable full-text query profiling with an SQL statement, you must activate it before executing the desired query:

SET profiling =1;
SELECT * FROM test WHERE MATCH('@title abc* @body hey');

To view the query tree, execute the SHOW PLAN command immediately after running the query:


This command will return the structure of the executed query. Keep in mind that the 3 statements - SET profiling, the query, and SHOW - must be executed within the same session.

Profiling the query in HTTP JSON

When using the HTTP JSON protocol we can just enable "profile":true to get in response the full-text query tree structure.

    "match_phrase": { "_all" : "had grown quite" }

The response will include a profile object containing a query member.

The query property holds the transformed full-text query tree. Each node consists of:

  • type: node type, which can be AND, OR, PHRASE, KEYWORD, etc.
  • description: query subtree for this node represented as a string (in SHOW PLAN format)
  • children: any child nodes, if present
  • max_field_pos: maximum position within a field

A keyword node will additionally include:

  • word: the transformed keyword.
  • querypos: position of this keyword in the query.
  • excluded: keyword excluded from the query.
  • expanded: keyword added by prefix expansion.
  • field_start: keyword must appear at the beginning of the field.
  • field_end: keyword must appear at the end of the field.
  • boost: the keyword's IDF will be multiplied by this value.
  • SQL
  • JSON
  • PHP
  • Python
  • javascript
  • Java
  • C#
  • TypeScript
  • Go
SET profiling=1;
SELECT * FROM test WHERE MATCH('@title abc* @body hey');
*************************** 1\. row ***************************
Variable: transformed_tree
   Value: AND(
  OR(fields=(title), KEYWORD(abcx, querypos=1, expanded), KEYWORD(abcm, querypos=1, expanded)),
  AND(fields=(body), KEYWORD(hey, querypos=2)))
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

In some instances, the evaluated query tree may significantly differ from the original one due to expansions and other transformations.

  • SQL
  • JSON
  • PHP
  • Python
  • javascript
  • Java
  • C#
  • TypeScript
  • Go
SET profiling=1;

SELECT id FROM forum WHERE MATCH('@title way* @content hey') LIMIT 1;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

| id     |
| 711651 |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)

| Variable         | Value                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
| transformed_tree | AND(
      AND(fields=(title), KEYWORD(wayne, querypos=1, expanded)),
        AND(fields=(title), KEYWORD(ways, querypos=1, expanded)),
        AND(fields=(title), KEYWORD(wayyy, querypos=1, expanded)))),
    AND(fields=(title), KEYWORD(way, querypos=1, expanded)),
    OR(fields=(title), KEYWORD(way*, querypos=1, expanded))),
  AND(fields=(content), KEYWORD(hey, querypos=2))) |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Profiling without running a query

The SQL statement EXPLAIN QUERY enables the display of the execution tree for a given full-text query without performing an actual search query on the table.

  • SQL
EXPLAIN QUERY index_base '@title running @body dog'\G
 EXPLAIN QUERY index_base '@title running @body dog'\G
*************************** 1\. row ***************************
Variable: transformed_tree
   Value: AND(
            AND(fields=(title), KEYWORD(run, querypos=1, morphed)),
            AND(fields=(title), KEYWORD(running, querypos=1, morphed))))
  AND(fields=(body), KEYWORD(dog, querypos=2, morphed)))

EXPLAIN QUERY ... option format=dot allows displaying the execution tree of a provided full-text query in a hierarchical format suitable for visualization by existing tools, such as

EXPLAIN QUERY graphviz example

  • SQL
EXPLAIN QUERY tbl 'i me' option format=dot\G
EXPLAIN QUERY tbl 'i me' option format=dot\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Variable: transformed_tree
   Value: digraph "transformed_tree"

0 [shape=record,style=filled,bgcolor="lightgrey" label="AND"]
0 -> 1
1 [shape=record,style=filled,bgcolor="lightgrey" label="AND"]
1 -> 2
2 [shape=record label="i | { querypos=1 }"]
0 -> 3
3 [shape=record,style=filled,bgcolor="lightgrey" label="AND"]
3 -> 4
4 [shape=record label="me | { querypos=2 }"]

Viewing the match factors values

When using an expression ranker, it's possible to reveal the values of the calculated factors with the PACKEDFACTORS() function.

The function returns:

  • The values of document-level factors (such as bm25, field_mask, doc_word_count)
  • A list of each field that generated a hit (including lcs, hit_count, word_count, sum_idf, min_hit_pos, etc.)
  • A list of each keyword from the query along with their tf and idf values

These values can be utilized to understand why certain documents receive lower or higher scores in a search or to refine the existing ranking expression.

  • SQL
SELECT id, PACKEDFACTORS() FROM test1 WHERE MATCH('test one') OPTION ranker=expr('1')\G
             id: 1
packedfactors(): bm25=569, bm25a=0.617197, field_mask=2, doc_word_count=2,
    field1=(lcs=1, hit_count=2, word_count=2, tf_idf=0.152356,
        min_idf=-0.062982, max_idf=0.215338, sum_idf=0.152356, min_hit_pos=4,
        min_best_span_pos=4, exact_hit=0, max_window_hits=1, min_gaps=2,
        exact_order=1, lccs=1, wlccs=0.215338, atc=-0.003974),
    word0=(tf=1, idf=-0.062982),
    word1=(tf=1, idf=0.215338)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)