Installing Manticore on MacOS

Via Homebrew package manager

brew install manticoresoftware/tap/manticoresearch manticoresoftware/tap/manticore-extra

Start Manticore as a brew service:

brew services start manticoresearch

The default configuration file for Manticore is located at either /usr/local/etc/manticoresearch/manticore.conf or /opt/homebrew/etc/manticoresearch/manticore.conf.

If you plan to use indexer to fetch data from sources such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or another database using ODBC, you may need additional libraries, such as mysql@5.7, libpq, and unixodbc, respectively.

Development packages

If you prefer "Nightly" (development) versions do:

brew tap manticoresoftware/tap-dev
brew install manticoresoftware/tap-dev/manticoresearch-dev manticoresoftware/tap-dev/manticore-extra-dev manticoresoftware/tap-dev/manticore-language-packs
brew services start manticoresearch-dev