⪢ Extensions


With the MySQL FEDERATED engine, you can connect to a local or remote Manticore instance from MySQL/MariaDB and perform search queries.


An actual Manticore query can't be used directly with the FEDERATED engine and must be "proxied" (sent as a string in a column) due to the FEDERATED engine's limitations and the fact that Manticore implements custom syntax like the MATCH clause.

To search via FEDERATED, you first need to create a FEDERATED engine table. The Manticore query will be included in a query column in the SELECT performed over the FEDERATED table.

Creating a FEDERATED-compatible MySQL table:

  • SQL
    year        INTEGER NOT NULL,
    rating      FLOAT,
    query       VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL,
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query FEDERATED compatible table:

  • SQL
SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE query='SELECT * FROM movies WHERE MATCH (\'pie\')';
| id | year | rating | query                                    |
|  1 | 2019 |      5 | SELECT * FROM movies WHERE MATCH ('pie') |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)

The only fixed mapping is the query column. It is mandatory and must be the only column with a table attached.

The Manticore table linked via FEDERATED must be a physical table (plain or real-time).

The FEDERATED table should have columns with the same names as the remote Manticore table attributes since they will be bound to the attributes provided in the Manticore result set by name. However, it might map only some attributes, not all of them.

Manticore server identifies a query from a FEDERATED client by the user name "FEDERATED". The CONNECTION string parameter is used to specify the Manticore host, SQL port, and tables for queries coming through the connection. The connection string syntax is as follows:


Since Manticore doesn't have the concept of a database, the DB string can be random as it will be ignored by Manticore, but MySQL requires a value in the CONNECTION string definition. As seen in the example, the full SELECT SQL query should be placed in a WHERE clause against the query column.

Only the SELECT statement is supported, not INSERT, REPLACE, UPDATE, or DELETE.


One very important note is that it is much more efficient to allow Manticore to perform sorting, filtering, and slicing the result set than to increase the max matches count and use WHERE, ORDER BY, and LIMIT clauses on the MySQL side. This is for two reasons. First, Manticore implements a number of optimizations and performs better than MySQL for these tasks. Second, less data needs to be packed by searchd, transferred, and unpacked between Manticore and MySQL.

JOINs can be performed between a FEDERATED table and other MySQL tables. This can be used to retrieve information that is not stored in a Manticore table.

  • SQL
Query to JOIN MySQL based table with FEDERATED table served by Manticore:
SELECT t1.id, t1.year, comments.comment FROM t1 JOIN comments ON t1.id=comments.post_id WHERE query='SELECT * FROM movies WHERE MATCH (\'pie\')';
| id | year | comment      |
|  1 | 2019 | was not good |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)