⪢ Node info and management


SHOW META [ LIKE pattern ]

SHOW META is an SQL statement that displays additional meta-information about the processed query, including the query time, keyword statistics, and information about the secondary indexes used. The syntax is:

The included items are:

  • total: The number of matches that were actually retrieved and sent to the client. This value is typically limited by the LIMIT/size search option.
  • total_found:
    • The estimated total number of matches for the query in the index. If you need the exact number of matches, use SELECT COUNT(*) instead of relying on this value.
    • For queries with GROUP BY, total_found represents the number of groups instead of individual matches.
    • For GROUP N BY queries, total_found still represents the number of groups, regardless of the value of N.
  • total_relation: Indicates whether the total_found value is exact or an estimate.
    • If Manticore cannot determine the precise total_found value, this field will display total_relation: gte, meaning the actual number of matches is Greater Than or Equal to the reported total_found.
    • If the total_found value is exact, total_relation: eq will be displayed.
  • time: The duration (in seconds) it took to process the search query.
  • keyword[N]: The n-th keyword used in the search query. Note that the keyword can be presented as a wildcard, e.g., abc*.
  • docs[N]: The total number of documents (or records) containing the n-th keyword from the search query. If the keyword is presented as a wildcard, this value represents the sum of documents for all expanded sub-keywords, potentially exceeding the actual number of matched documents.
  • hits[N]: The total number of occurrences (or hits) of the n-th keyword across all documents.
  • index: Information about the utilized index (e.g., secondary index).
  • SQL
SELECT id, story_author FROM hn_small WHERE MATCH('one|two|three') and comment_ranking > 2 limit 5;
show meta;
| id      | story_author |
|  151171 | anewkid      |
|  302758 | bks          |
|  805806 | drRoflol     |
| 1099245 | tnorthcutt   |
|  303252 | whiten       |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

| Variable_name  | Value                                 |
| total          | 5                                     |
| total_found    | 2308                                  |
| total_relation | eq                                    |
| time           | 0.001                                 |
| keyword[0]     | one                                   |
| docs[0]        | 224387                                |
| hits[0]        | 310327                                |
| keyword[1]     | three                                 |
| docs[1]        | 18181                                 |
| hits[1]        | 21102                                 |
| keyword[2]     | two                                   |
| docs[2]        | 63251                                 |
| hits[2]        | 75961                                 |
| index          | comment_ranking:SecondaryIndex (100%) |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)

SHOW META can display I/O and CPU counters, but they will only be available if searchd was started with the --iostats and --cpustats switches, respectively.

  • SQL
SELECT id,channel_id FROM records WHERE MATCH('one|two|three') limit 5;

| id     | story_author |
| 300263 | throwaway37  |
| 713503 | mahmud       |
| 716804 | mahmud       |
| 776906 | jimbokun     |
| 753332 | foxhop       |
5 rows in set (0.01 sec)

| Variable_name         | Value  |
| total                 | 5      |
| total_found           | 266385 |
| total_relation        | eq     |
| time                  | 0.011  |
| cpu_time              | 18.004 |
| agents_cpu_time       | 0.000  |
| io_read_time          | 0.000  |
| io_read_ops           | 0      |
| io_read_kbytes        | 0.0    |
| io_write_time         | 0.000  |
| io_write_ops          | 0      |
| io_write_kbytes       | 0.0    |
| agent_io_read_time    | 0.000  |
| agent_io_read_ops     | 0      |
| agent_io_read_kbytes  | 0.0    |
| agent_io_write_time   | 0.000  |
| agent_io_write_ops    | 0      |
| agent_io_write_kbytes | 0.0    |
| keyword[0]            | one    |
| docs[0]               | 224387 |
| hits[0]               | 310327 |
| keyword[1]            | three  |
| docs[1]               | 18181  |
| hits[1]               | 21102  |
| keyword[2]            | two    |
| docs[2]               | 63251  |
| hits[2]               | 75961  |
27 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Additional values, such as predicted_time, dist_predicted_time, local_fetched_docs, local_fetched_hits, local_fetched_skips, and their respective dist_fetched_* counterparts, will only be available if searchd was configured with predicted time costs and the query included predicted_time in the OPTION clause.

  • SQL
SELECT id,story_author FROM hn_small WHERE MATCH('one|two|three') limit 5 option max_predicted_time=100;

| id     | story_author |
| 300263 | throwaway37  |
| 713503 | mahmud       |
| 716804 | mahmud       |
| 776906 | jimbokun     |
| 753332 | foxhop       |
5 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> show meta;
| Variable_name       | Value  |
| total               | 5      |
| total_found         | 266385 |
| total_relation      | eq     |
| time                | 0.012  |
| local_fetched_docs  | 307212 |
| local_fetched_hits  | 407390 |
| local_fetched_skips | 24     |
| predicted_time      | 56     |
| keyword[0]          | one    |
| docs[0]             | 224387 |
| hits[0]             | 310327 |
| keyword[1]          | three  |
| docs[1]             | 18181  |
| hits[1]             | 21102  |
| keyword[2]          | two    |
| docs[2]             | 63251  |
| hits[2]             | 75961  |
17 rows in set (0.00 sec)

SHOW META must be executed immediately after the query in the same session. Since some MySQL connectors/libraries use connection pools, running SHOW META in a separate statement can lead to unexpected results, such as retrieving metadata from another query. In these cases (and generally recommended), run a multiple statement containing both the query and SHOW META. Some connectors/libraries support multi-queries within the same method for a single statement, while others may require the use of a dedicated method for multi-queries or setting specific options during connection setup.

  • SQL
SELECT id,story_author FROM hn_small WHERE MATCH('one|two|three') LIMIT 5; SHOW META;
| id     | story_author |
| 300263 | throwaway37  |
| 713503 | mahmud       |
| 716804 | mahmud       |
| 776906 | jimbokun     |
| 753332 | foxhop       |
5 rows in set (0.01 sec)

| Variable_name  | Value  |
| total          | 5      |
| total_found    | 266385 |
| total_relation | eq     |
| time           | 0.011  |
| keyword[0]     | one    |
| docs[0]        | 224387 |
| hits[0]        | 310327 |
| keyword[1]     | three  |
| docs[1]        | 18181  |
| hits[1]        | 21102  |
| keyword[2]     | two    |
| docs[2]        | 63251  |
| hits[2]        | 75961  |
13 rows in set (0.00 sec)

You can also use the optional LIKE clause, which allows you to select only the variables that match a specific pattern. The pattern syntax follows standard SQL wildcards, where % represents any number of any characters, and _ represents a single character.

  • SQL
SHOW META LIKE 'total%';
| Variable_name  | Value  |
| total          | 5      |
| total_found    | 266385 |
| total_relation | eq     |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

SHOW META and facets

When utilizing faceted search, you can examine the multiplier field in the SHOW META output to determine how many queries were executed in an optimized group.

  • SQL
SELECT * FROM facetdemo FACET brand_id FACET price FACET categories;
SHOW META LIKE 'multiplier';
| id   | price | brand_id | title               | brand_name  | property    | j                                     | categories |
|    1 |   306 |        1 | Product Ten Three   | Brand One   | Six_Ten     | {"prop1":66,"prop2":91,"prop3":"One"} | 10,11      |

| brand_id | count(*) |
|        1 |     1013 |

| price | count(*) |
|   306 |        7 |

| categories | count(*) |
|         10 |     2436 |

| Variable_name | Value |
| multiplier    | 4     |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

SHOW META and query optimizer

When the cost-based query optimizer chooses to use DocidIndex, ColumnarScan, or SecondaryIndex instead of a plain filter, this is reflected in the SHOW META command.

The index variable displays the names and types of secondary indexes used during query execution. The percentage indicates how many disk chunks (in the case of an RT table) or pseudo shards (in the case of a plain table) utilized the secondary index.

  • SQL
SELECT count(*) FROM taxi1 WHERE tip_amount = 5;
| Variable_name  | Value                            |
| total          | 1                                |
| total_found    | 1                                |
| total_relation | eq                               |
| time           | 0.016                            |
| index          | tip_amount:SecondaryIndex (100%) |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

SHOW META for PQ tables

SHOW META can be used after executing a CALL PQ statement, in which case it provides different output.

SHOW META following a CALL PQ statement includes:

  • total - Total time spent on matching the document(s)
  • queries_matched - Number of stored queries that match the document(s)
  • document_matches - Number of documents that matched the queries stored in the table
  • total_queries_stored - Total number of queries stored in the table
  • term_only_queries - Number of queries in the table that have terms; the remaining queries use extended query syntax.
  • SQL
CALL PQ ('pq', ('{"title":"angry", "gid":3 }')); SHOW META;
| id   |
|    2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

| Variable name         | Value     |
| total                 | 0.000 sec |
| queries_matched       | 1         |
| queries_failed        | 0         |
| document_matched      | 1         |
| total_queries_stored  | 2         |
| term_only_queries     | 2         |
| fast_rejected_queries | 1         |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Using CALL PQ with a verbose option provides more detailed output.

It includes the following additional entries:

  • Setup - Time spent on the initial setup of the matching process, such as parsing docs and setting options
  • Queries failed - Number of queries that failed
  • Fast rejected queries - Number of queries that were not fully evaluated but quickly matched and rejected using filters or other conditions
  • Time per query - Detailed time for each query
  • Time of matched queries - Total time spent on queries that matched any documents
  • SQL
CALL PQ ('pq', ('{"title":"angry", "gid":3 }'), 1 as verbose); SHOW META;
| id   |
|    2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

| Variable name           | Value     |
| total                   | 0.000 sec |
| setup                   | 0.000 sec |
| queries_matched         | 1         |
| queries_failed          | 0         |
| document_matched        | 1         |
| total_queries_stored    | 2         |
| term_only_queries       | 2         |
| fast_rejected_queries   | 1         |
| time_per_query          | 69        |
| time_of_matched_queries | 69        |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)