You can connect to Manticore Search through HTTP/HTTPS.


By default, Manticore listens for HTTP, HTTPS, and binary requests on ports 9308 and 9312.

In the "searchd" section of your configuration file, you can define the HTTP port using the listen directive as follows:

Both lines are valid and have the same meaning (except for the port number). They both define listeners that will serve all API/HTTP/HTTPS protocols. There are no special requirements, and any HTTP client can be used to connect to Manticore.

  • HTTP
searchd {
   listen =
   listen =

All HTTP endpoints return application/json content type. For the most part, endpoints use JSON payloads for requests. However, there are some exceptions that use NDJSON or simple URL-encoded payloads.

Currently, there is no user authentication. Therefore, make sure that the HTTP interface is not accessible to anyone outside your network. As Manticore functions like any other web server, you can use a reverse proxy, such as Nginx, to implement HTTP authentication or caching.

The HTTP protocol also supports SSL encryption: If you specify :https instead of :http only secured connections will be accepted. Otherwise in case of no valid key/certificate provided, but the client trying to connect via https - the connection will be dropped. If you make not HTTPS, but an HTTP request to 9443 it will respond with HTTP code 400.

searchd {
   listen =
   listen =

VIP Connection

Separate HTTP interface can be used for 'VIP' connections. In this case, the connection bypasses a thread pool and always creates a new dedicated thread. This is useful for managing Manticore Search during periods of severe overload when the server might stall or not allow regular port connections.

For more information on the listen directive, see this section.

  • VIP
searchd {
   listen =
   listen =


Endpoints /sql and /cli allow running SQL queries via HTTP.

  • /sql endpoint accepts only SELECT statements and returns the response in HTTP JSON format.
  • The /sql?mode=raw endpoint accepts any SQL query and returns the response in raw format, similar to what you would receive via mysql.
  • The /cli endpoint accepts any SQL query and returns the response in raw format, similar to what you would receive via mysql. Unlike the /sql and /sql?mode=raw endpoints, the query parameter should not be URL-encoded. This endpoint is intended for manual actions using a browser or command line HTTP clients such as curl. It is not recommended to use the /cli endpoint in scripts.


General syntax:

  • curl "localhost:6780/sql[?mode=raw]&query={URL_ENCODED_QUERY}"
  • curl localhost:6780/sql[?mode=raw] -d "[query={URL_ENCODED_QUERY}|{NOT_URL_ENCODED_QUERY}]"

The /sql endpoint accepts an SQL query via the HTTP JSON interface:

  • Without mode=raw - only SELECTs are allowed, returning the response in JSON format.
  • With mode=raw - any SQL query is permitted, returning the response in raw format.

The endpoint can handle HTTP requests using either the GET or the POST method. For sending queries, you can:

  1. Using GET: Include the query in the query parameter of the URL, like /sql?query=your_encoded_query_here. It's important to URL encode this parameter to avoid errors, especially if the query includes an = sign, which might be interpreted as part of the URL syntax rather than the query.
  2. Using POST: You can also send the query within the body of a POST request. When using this method:
    • If you send the query as a parameter named query, ensure it is URL encoded.
    • If you send the query directly as plain text (a raw POST body), do not URL encode it. This is useful when the query is long or complex, or if the query is stored in a file and you want to send it as is by pointing your HTTP client (e.g., curl) to it.

This approach keeps the usage of GET and POST distinct and avoids any confusion about combining methods in a single request.

Without mode=raw the response is a JSON containing information about the hits and the execution time. The response format is the same as the json/search endpoint. Note that the /sql endpoint only supports single search requests. For processing a multi-query, see the section below about the raw mode.

  • POST
  • POST URL-encoded
  • GET URL-encoded
POST /sql
select id,subject,author_id  from forum where match('@subject php manticore') group by author_id order by id desc limit 0,5
  "took": 0,
  "timed_out": false,
  "hits": {
    "total": 2,
    "total_relation": "eq",
    "hits": [
        "_id": 2,
        "_score": 2356,
        "_source": {
          "subject": "php manticore",
          "author_id": 12
        "_id": 1,
        "_score": 2356,
        "_source": {
          "subject": "php manticore",
          "author_id": 11


The /sql endpoint also includes a special "raw" mode, which allows you to send any valid SQL queries, including multi-queries. The response is a JSON array containing one or more result sets. You can activate this mode by using the option mode=raw.

  • POST
  • POST URL-encoded
  • POST URL-encoded 2nd way
  • GET URL-encoded
  • curl examples
POST /sql?mode=raw
desc test
    "columns": [
        "Field": {
          "type": "string"
        "Type": {
          "type": "string"
        "Properties": {
          "type": "string"
    "data": [
        "Field": "id",
        "Type": "bigint",
        "Properties": ""
        "Field": "title",
        "Type": "text",
        "Properties": "indexed"
        "Field": "gid",
        "Type": "uint",
        "Properties": ""
        "Field": "title",
        "Type": "string",
        "Properties": ""
        "Field": "j",
        "Type": "json",
        "Properties": ""
        "Field": "new1",
        "Type": "uint",
        "Properties": ""
    "total": 6,
    "error": "",
    "warning": ""


NOTE: /cli requires Manticore Buddy. If it doesn't work, make sure Buddy is installed.

While the /sql endpoint is useful for controlling Manticore programmatically from your application, there's also the /cli endpoint. This makes it easier to manually maintain a Manticore instance using curl or your browser. It accepts both POST and GET HTTP methods. Everything inputted after /cli? is understood by Manticore, even if it's not manually escaped with curl or automatically encoded by the browser. No query parameter is required. Importantly, the + sign is not changed to a space, eliminating the need for encoding it. For the POST method, Manticore accepts everything exactly as it is, without any changes. The response is in tabular format, similar to an SQL result set you might see in a MySQL client.

  • POST
  • GET
  • Browser
  • curl example
POST /cli
desc test
| Field | Type   | Properties     |
| id    | bigint |                |
| body  | text   | indexed stored |
| title | string |                |
3 rows in set (0.001 sec)


The /cli_json endpoint provides the same functionality as /cli, but the response format is JSON. It includes:

  • columns section describing the schema.
  • data section with the actual data.
  • Summary section with "total", "error", and "warning".
  • POST
  • GET
  • curl example
POST /cli_json
desc test
            "Properties":"indexed stored"


HTTP keep-alive is supported (except for the /cli endpoint), which allows for stateful interactions via the HTTP JSON interface as long as the client also supports keep-alive. For instance, using the /cli_json endpoint, you can execute SHOW META after a SELECT command, and it will function similarly to interactions with Manticore through a MySQL client.

Data creation and modification

You can add, update, replace, and delete your indexed data using different ways provided by Manticore. Manticore supports working with external storages such as databases, XML, CSV, and TSV documents. For insert and delete operations, a transaction mechanism is supported.

Also, for insert and replace queries, Manticore supports Elasticsearch-like query format along with its own format. For details, see the corresponding examples in the Adding documents to a real-time table and REPLACE sections.

⪢ Adding documents to a table