You can change existing data in an RT or PQ table by either updating or replacing it.

UPDATE replaces row-wise attribute values of existing documents with new values. Full-text fields and columnar attributes cannot be updated. If you need to change the content of a full-text field or columnar attributes, use REPLACE.

REPLACE works similar to INSERT except that if an old document has the same ID as the new document, the old document is marked as deleted before the new document is inserted. Note that the old document does not get physically deleted from the table. The deletion can only happen when chunks are merged in a table, e.g. as a result of an OPTIMIZE.


REPLACE works similarly to INSERT, but it marks the previous document with the same ID as deleted before inserting a new one.

For HTTP JSON protocol, two request formats are available: Manticore and Elasticsearch-like. You can find both examples in the provided examples.

  • SQL
  • JSON
  • Elasticsearch
  • PHP
  • Python
  • javascript
  • Java
REPLACE INTO products VALUES(1, "document one", 10);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

REPLACE is available for both RT and PQ tables.

When you run a REPLACE, the previous document is not removed, but it's marked as deleted, so the table size grows until chunk merging happens, and the marked documents won't be included. To force a chunk merge, use the OPTIMIZE statement.

The syntax of the REPLACE statement is the same as the INSERT statement syntax.

REPLACE INTO table [(column1, column2, ...)]
    VALUES (value1, value2, ...)
    [, (...)]

To use the HTTP JSON interface with REPLACE, use the /replace endpoint. There's also a synonym endpoint, /index.

You can replace multiple documents at once. Check bulk adding documents for more information.

  • SQL
  • JSON
  • PHP
  • Python
  • javascript
  • Java
REPLACE INTO products(id,title,tag) VALUES (1, 'doc one', 10), (2,' doc two', 20);
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)


UPDATE changes row-wise attribute values of existing documents in a specified table with new values. Note that you can't update contents of a fulltext field or a columnar attribute. If there's such a need, use REPLACE.

Attribute updates are supported for RT, PQ and plain tables. All attribute types can be updated as long as they are stored in the traditional row-wise storage.

Note that document id cannot be updated.

Note that when you update an attribute, its secondary index gets disabled, so consider replacing the document instead.

  • SQL
  • JSON
  • PHP
  • Python
  • javascript
  • Java
UPDATE products SET enabled=0 WHERE id=10;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Multiple attributes can be updated in a single statement.

  • SQL
  • JSON
  • PHP
  • Python
  • javascript
  • Java
UPDATE products
SET price=100000000000,
WHERE MATCH('phone') AND enabled=1;
Query OK, 148 rows affected (0.0 sec)

When assigning out-of-range values to 32-bit attributes, they will be trimmed to their lower 32 bits without a prompt. For example, if you try to update the 32-bit unsigned int with a value of 4294967297, the value of 1 will actually be stored, because the lower 32 bits of 4294967297 (0x100000001 in hex) amount to 1 (0x00000001 in hex).

UPDATE can be used to perform partial JSON updates on numeric data types or arrays of numeric data types. Just make sure you don't update an integer value with a float value as it will be rounded off.

  • SQL
  • JSON
  • PHP
  • Python
  • javascript
  • Java
insert into products (id, title, meta) values (1,'title','{"tags":[1,2,3]}');

update products set meta.tags[0]=100 where id=1;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Updating other data types or changing property type in a JSON attribute requires a full JSON update.

  • SQL
  • JSON
  • PHP
  • Python
  • javascript
  • Java
insert into products values (1,'title','{"tags":[1,2,3]}');

update products set data='{"tags":["one","two","three"]}' where id=1;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

When using replication, the table name should be prepended with cluster_name: (in SQL) so that updates will be propagated to all nodes in the cluster. For queries via HTTP you should set a cluster property. See setting up replication for more info.

    "gid" : 100,
    "price" : 1000
  • SQL
  • JSON
  • PHP
  • Python
  • javascript
  • Java
update weekly:posts set enabled=0 where id=1;
class UpdateResponse {
    index: products
    updated: null
    id: 1
    result: updated

Updates via SQL

Here is the syntax for the SQL UPDATE statement:

UPDATE table SET col1 = newval1 [, ...] WHERE where_condition [OPTION opt_name = opt_value [, ...]] [FORCE|IGNORE INDEX(id)]

where_condition has the same syntax as in the SELECT statement.

Multi-value attribute value sets must be specified as comma-separated lists in parentheses. To remove all values from a multi-value attribute, just assign () to it.

  • SQL
  • JSON
  • PHP
  • Python
  • javascript
  • Java
UPDATE products SET tags1=(3,6,4) WHERE id=1;

UPDATE products SET tags1=() WHERE id=1;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

OPTION clause is a Manticore-specific extension that lets you control a number of per-update options. The syntax is:

OPTION <optionname>=<value> [ , ... ]

The options are the same as for SELECT statement. Specifically for UPDATE statement you can use these options:

  • 'ignore_nonexistent_columns' - If set to 1 points that the update will silently ignore any warnings about trying to update a column which is not exists in current table schema. Default value is 0.
  • 'strict' - this option is used in partial JSON attribute updates. By default (strict=1), UPDATE will end in an error if the UPDATE query tries to perform an update on non-numeric properties. With strict=0 if multiple properties are updated and some are not allowed, the UPDATE will not end in error and will perform the changes only on allowed properties (with the rest being ignored). If none of the SET changes of the UPDATE are not permitted, the command will end in an error even with strict=0.

Query optimizer hints

In rare cases, Manticore's built-in query analyzer may be incorrect in understanding a query and determining whether a table by ID should be used. This can result in poor performance for queries like UPDATE ... WHERE id = 123. For information on how to force the optimizer to use a docid index, see Query optimizer hints.

Updates via HTTP JSON

Updates using HTTP JSON protocol are performed via the /update endpoint. The syntax is similar to the /insert endpoint, but this time the doc property is mandatory.

The server will respond with a JSON object stating if the operation was successful or not.

  • JSON
POST /update
     "gid" : 100,
     "price" : 1000
  "_index": "test",
  "_id": 1,
  "result": "updated"

The id of the document that needs to be updated can be set directly using the id property (as in the example above) or you can do an update by query and apply the update to all the documents that match the query:

  • JSON
POST /update

    "price" : 1000
    "match": { "*": "apple" }

The query syntax is the same as in the /search endpoint. Note that you can't specify id and query at the same time.

Flushing attributes


Flushes all in-memory attribute updates in all the active disk tables to disk. Returns a tag that identifies the result on-disk state (basically, a number of actual disk attribute saves performed since the server startup).

mysql> UPDATE testindex SET channel_id=1107025 WHERE id=1;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)

| tag  |
|    1 |
1 row in set (0.19 sec)

See also attr_flush_period setting.

Bulk updates

Several update operations can be performed in a single call using the /bulk endpoint. This endpoint only works with data that has Content-Type set to application/x-ndjson. The data itself should be formatted as a newline-delimited json (NDJSON). Basically it means that each line should contain exactly one json statement and end with a newline \n and maybe a \r.

  • JSON
POST /bulk

{ "update" : { "index" : "products", "id" : 1, "doc": { "price" : 10 } } }
{ "update" : { "index" : "products", "id" : 2, "doc": { "price" : 20 } } }

/bulk endpoint supports inserts, replaces and deletes. Each statement starts with an action type (in this case, update). Here's a list of the supported actions:

  • insert: Inserts a document. The syntax is the same as in the /insert endpoint.
  • create: a synonym for insert
  • replace: Replaces a document. The syntax is the same as in the /replace.
  • index: a synonym for replace
  • update: Updates a document. The syntax is the same as in the /update.
  • delete: Deletes a document. The syntax is the same as in the /delete endpoint.

Updates by query and deletes by query are also supported.

  • JSON
  • PHP
  • Python
  • javascript
  • Java
POST /bulk

{ "update" : { "index" : "products", "doc": { "coeff" : 1000 }, "query": { "range": { "price": { "gte": 1000 } } } } }
{ "update" : { "index" : "products", "doc": { "coeff" : 0 }, "query": { "range": { "price": { "lt": 1000 } } } } }

Note that the bulk operation stops at the first query that results in an error.

Settings related with updates



attr_update_reserve is a per-table setting which sets the space to be reserved for blob attribute updates. Optional, default value is 128k.

When blob attributes (MVAs, strings, JSON), are updated, their length may change. If the updated string (or MVA, or JSON) is shorter than the old one, it overwrites the old one in the .spb file. But if the updated string is longer, updates are written to the end of the .spb file. This file is memory mapped, that's why resizing it may be a rather slow process, depending on the OS implementation of memory mapped files.

To avoid frequent resizes, you can specify the extra space to be reserved at the end of the .spb file by using this option.

  • SQL
  • JSON
  • PHP
  • Python
  • javascript
  • Java
create table products(title text, price float) attr_update_reserve = '1M'


attr_flush_period = 900 # persist updates to disk every 15 minutes

When updating attributes the changes are first written to in-memory copy of attributes. This setting allows to set the interval between flushing the updates to disk. It defaults to 0, which disables the periodic flushing, but flushing will still occur at normal shut-down.