Deleting a replication cluster

The DELETE CLUSTER statement removes the specified cluster with its name. Once the cluster is deleted, it is removed from all nodes, but its tables remain intact and become active local non-replicated tables.

  • SQL
  • JSON
  • PHP
  • Python
  • javascript
  • Java
DELETE CLUSTER click_query
{u'error': u'', u'total': 0, u'warning': u''}

Adding and removing a table from a replication cluster

ALTER CLUSTER <cluster_name> ADD <table_name> adds an existing local table to the cluster. The node that receives the ALTER query sends the table to the other nodes in the cluster. All the local tables with the same name on the other nodes of the cluster are replaced with the new table.

Once the table is replicated, write statements can be performed on any node, but the table name must be prefixed with the cluster name, like INSERT INTO <clusterName>:<table_name>.

  • SQL
  • JSON
  • PHP
  • Python
  • javascript
  • Java
ALTER CLUSTER click_query ADD clicks_daily_index
{u'error': u'', u'total': 0, u'warning': u''}

ALTER CLUSTER <cluster_name> DROP <table_name> forgets about a local table, meaning it does not remove the table files on the nodes, but rather just makes it an inactive, non-replicated table.

Once a table is removed from a cluster, it becomes a local table, and write statements must use just the table name, like INSERT INTO <table_name>, without the cluster prefix.

  • SQL
  • JSON
  • PHP
  • Python
  • javascript
  • Java
ALTER CLUSTER posts DROP weekly_index
{u'error': u'', u'total': 0, u'warning': u''}

Managing replication nodes

The ALTER CLUSTER <cluster_name> UPDATE nodes statement updates the node lists on each node within the specified cluster to include all active nodes in the cluster. For more information on node lists, see Joining a cluster.

  • SQL
  • JSON
  • PHP
  • Python
  • javascript
  • Java
{u'error': u'', u'total': 0, u'warning': u''}

For instance, when the cluster was initially established, the list of nodes used to rejoin the cluster was, Since then, other nodes joined the cluster and now the active nodes are,,,, the list of nodes used to rejoin the cluster has not been updated.

To rectify this, you can run the ALTER CLUSTER ... UPDATE nodes statement to copy the list of active nodes to the list of nodes used to rejoin the cluster. After this, the list of nodes used to rejoin the cluster will include all the active nodes in the cluster.

Both lists of nodes can be viewed using the Cluster status statement (cluster_post_nodes_set and cluster_post_nodes_view).

Removing node from cluster

To remove a node from the replication cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the node
  2. Remove the information about the cluster from <data_dir>/manticore.json (usually /var/lib/manticore/manticore.json) on the node that has been stopped.
  3. Run ALTER CLUSTER cluster_name UPDATE nodes on any other node.

After these steps, the other nodes will forget about the detached node and the detached node will forget about the cluster. This action will not impact the tables in the cluster or on the detached node.