- CentOS 7, RHEL 7, Oracle Linux 7
- CentOS 8, RHEL 8, Oracle Linux 8, CentOS Stream 8
- Amazon Linux 2
- CentOS 9, RHEL 9, AlmaLinux 9
The simplest method to install Manticore on RedHat/CentOS is by using our YUM repository:
Install the repository:
sudo yum install https://repo.manticoresearch.com/manticore-repo.noarch.rpm
Then install Manticore Search:
sudo yum install manticore manticore-extra
If you are upgrading to Manticore 6 from an older version, it is recommended to remove your old packages first to avoid conflicts caused by the updated package structure:
sudo yum remove manticore*
It won't remove your data and configuration file.
If you prefer "Nightly" (development) versions do:
sudo yum -y install https://repo.manticoresearch.com/manticore-repo.noarch.rpm && \
sudo yum -y --enablerepo manticore-dev install manticore manticore-extra manticore-common manticore-server manticore-server-core manticore-tools manticore-executor manticore-buddy manticore-backup manticore-columnar-lib manticore-server-core-debuginfo manticore-tools-debuginfo manticore-columnar-lib-debuginfo manticore-icudata manticore-galera manticore-galera-debuginfo manticore-language-packs manticore-load
To download standalone RPM files from the Manticore repository, follow the instructions available at https://manticoresearch.com/install/.
If you plan to use indexer to create tables from external sources, you'll need to make sure you have installed corresponding client libraries in order to make available of indexing sources you want. The line below will install all of them at once; feel free to use it as is, or to reduce it to install only libraries you need (for only mysql sources - just mysql-libs
should be enough, and unixODBC is not necessary).
sudo yum install mysql-libs postgresql-libs expat unixODBC
In CentOS Stream 8 you may need to run:
dnf install mariadb-connector-c
if you get error sql_connect: MySQL source wasn't initialized. Wrong name in dlopen?
trying to build a plain table from MySQL.
The lemmatizer requires Python 3.9+. Make sure you have it installed and that it's configured with --enable-shared
Here's how to install Python 3.9 and the Ukrainian lemmatizer in Centos 7/8:
# install Manticore Search and UK lemmatizer from YUM repository
yum -y install https://repo.manticoresearch.com/manticore-repo.noarch.rpm
yum -y install manticore manticore-lemmatizer-uk
# install packages needed for building Python
yum groupinstall "Development Tools" -y
yum install openssl-devel libffi-devel bzip2-devel wget -y
# download, build and install Python 3.9
cd ~
wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.9.2/Python-3.9.2.tgz
tar xvf Python-3.9.2.tgz
cd Python-3.9*/
./configure --enable-optimizations --enable-shared
make -j8 altinstall
# update linker cache
# install pymorphy2 and UK dictionary
pip3.9 install pymorphy2[fast]
pip3.9 install pymorphy2-dicts-uk
- 10.0 (Buster)
- 11.0 (Bullseye)
- 12.0 (Bookworm)
- 18.04 (Bionic)
- 20.04 (Focal)
- 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo)
- 22.04 (Jammy)
- 24.04 (Noble)
- 19
- 20
- 21
The easiest way to install Manticore in Ubuntu/Debian/Mint is by using our APT repository.
Install the repository:
wget https://repo.manticoresearch.com/manticore-repo.noarch.deb
sudo dpkg -i manticore-repo.noarch.deb
sudo apt update
(install wget
if it's not installed; install gnupg2
if apt-key
Then install Manticore Search:
sudo apt install manticore manticore-extra
If you are upgrading to Manticore 6 from an older version, it is recommended to remove your old packages first to avoid conflicts caused by the updated package structure:
sudo apt remove manticore*
It won't remove your data and configuration file.
If you prefer "Nightly" (development) versions do:
wget https://repo.manticoresearch.com/manticore-dev-repo.noarch.deb && \
sudo dpkg -i manticore-dev-repo.noarch.deb && \
sudo apt -y update && \
sudo apt -y install manticore manticore-extra manticore-common manticore-server manticore-server-core manticore-tools manticore-executor manticore-buddy manticore-backup manticore-columnar-lib manticore-server-core-dbgsym manticore-tools-dbgsym manticore-columnar-lib-dbgsym manticore-icudata-65l manticore-galera manticore-galera-dbgsym manticore-language-packs manticore-load
To download standalone DEB files from the Manticore repository, follow the instructions available at https://manticoresearch.com/install/.
Manticore package depends on zlib and ssl libraries, nothing else is strictly required. However, if you plan to use indexer to create tables from external storages, you'll need to install appropriate client libraries. To find out what specific libraries indexer
requires, run it and look at the top of its output:
$ sudo -u manticore indexer
Manticore 3.5.4 13f8d08d@201211 release
Copyright (c) 2001-2016, Andrew Aksyonoff
Copyright (c) 2008-2016, Sphinx Technologies Inc (http://sphinxsearch.com)
Copyright (c) 2017-2020, Manticore Software LTD (https://manticoresearch.com)
Built by gcc/clang v 5.4.0,
Built on Linux runner-0277ea0f-project-3858465-concurrent-0 4.19.78-coreos #1 SMP Mon Oct 14 22:56:39 -00 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Here you can see mentions of libodbc.so.2, libexpat.so.1, libmysqlclient.so.20, and libpq.so.5.
Below is a reference table with a list of all the client libraries for different Debian/Ubuntu versions:
Distr | MySQL | PostgreSQL | XMLpipe | UnixODBC |
Ubuntu Trusty | libmysqlclient.so.18 | libpq.so.5 | libexpat.so.1 | libodbc.so.1 |
Ubuntu Bionic | libmysqlclient.so.20 | libpq.so.5 | libexpat.so.1 | libodbc.so.2 |
Ubuntu Focal | libmysqlclient.so.21 | libpq.so.5 | libexpat.so.1 | libodbc.so.2 |
Ubuntu Hirsute | libmysqlclient.so.21 | libpq.so.5 | libexpat.so.1 | libodbc.so.2 |
Ubuntu Jammy | libmysqlclient.so.21 | libpq.so.5 | libexpat.so.1 | libodbc.so.2 |
Debian Jessie | libmysqlclient.so.18 | libpq.so.5 | libexpat.so.1 | libodbc.so.2 |
Debian Buster | libmariadb.so.3 | libpq.so.5 | libexpat.so.1 | libodbc.so.2 |
Debian Bullseye | libmariadb.so.3 | libpq.so.5 | libexpat.so.1 | libodbc.so.2 |
Debian Bookworm | libmariadb.so.3 | libpq.so.5 | libexpat.so.1 | libodbc.so.2 |
To find packages that provide the libraries, you can use, for example, apt-file
apt-file find libmysqlclient.so.20
libmysqlclient20: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmysqlclient.so.20
libmysqlclient20: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmysqlclient.so.20.2.0
libmysqlclient20: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmysqlclient.so.20.3.6
Note that you only need libraries for the types of storages you're going to use. So if you plan to build tables only from MySQL, then you might need to install only the MySQL library (in the above case libmysqlclient20
Finally, install the needed packages:
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient20 libodbc1 libpq5 libexpat1
If you aren't going to use the indexer
tool at all, you don't need to find and install any libraries.
To enable CJK tokenization support, the official packages contain binaries with embedded ICU library and include ICU data file. They are independent from any ICU runtime library which might be available on your system, and can't be upgraded.
The lemmatizer requires Python 3.9+. Make sure you have it installed and that it's configured with --enable-shared
Here's how to install Python 3.9 and the Ukrainian lemmatizer on Debian and Ubuntu:
# install Manticore Search and UK lemmatizer from APT repository
cd ~
wget https://repo.manticoresearch.com/manticore-repo.noarch.deb
sudo dpkg -i manticore-repo.noarch.deb
sudo apt -y update
sudo apt -y install manticore manticore-lemmatizer-uk
# install packages needed for building Python
sudo apt -y update
sudo apt -y install wget build-essential libreadline-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev libffi-dev zlib1g-dev
# download, build and install Python 3.9
cd ~
wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.9.4/Python-3.9.4.tgz
tar xzf Python-3.9.4.tgz
cd Python-3.9.4
./configure --enable-optimizations --enable-shared
sudo make -j8 altinstall
# update linker cache
sudo ldconfig
# install pymorphy2 and UK dictionary
sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/Python-3.9.4 pip3.9 install pymorphy2[fast]
sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/Python-3.9.4 pip3.9 install pymorphy2-dicts-uk
brew install manticoresoftware/tap/manticoresearch manticoresoftware/tap/manticore-extra
Start Manticore as a brew service:
brew services start manticoresearch
The default configuration file for Manticore is located at either /usr/local/etc/manticoresearch/manticore.conf
or /opt/homebrew/etc/manticoresearch/manticore.conf
If you plan to use indexer to fetch data from sources such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or another database using ODBC, you may need additional libraries, such as mysql@5.7
, libpq
, and unixodbc
, respectively.
If you prefer "Nightly" (development) versions do:
brew tap manticoresoftware/tap-dev
brew install manticoresoftware/tap-dev/manticoresearch-dev manticoresoftware/tap-dev/manticore-extra-dev manticoresoftware/tap-dev/manticore-language-packs
brew services start manticoresearch-dev
Manticore can be installed on Windows in several ways. We recommend using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) because it supports replication and does not require Docker. Below are the recommended and alternative methods.
To install Manticore Search on Windows, you'll first need to enable Windows Subsystem for Linux. WSL2 lets you run Linux binaries natively on Windows. For this method to work, you'll need to be running Windows 10 version 2004 and higher or Windows 11.
Follow the official Microsoft guide for step-by-step instructions to install WSL2.
To install Manticore on Windows via WSL2, refer to the Debian and Ubuntu Installation section.
NOTE: Installing Manticore via WSL2 is the recommended method as it offers better compatibility compared to using native Windows packages.
Alternatively, you can install Manticore as native Windows binaries, which require Docker for Manticore Buddy, by following these steps:
- Install Docker Desktop and start it.
- Download the Manticore Search Installer (find a link on the installation page) and run it. Follow the installation instructions.
- Choose the directory to install to.
- Select the components you want to install. We recommend installing all of them.
- Manticore comes with a preconfigured
file in RT mode. No additional configuration is required.
NOTE: The native Windows binaries do not support replication.
To install Manticore Search server as a Windows service, run:
\path\to\searchd.exe --install --config \path\to\config --servicename Manticore
Make sure to use the full path of the configuration file, otherwise searchd.exe
will not be able to locate it when it starts as a service.
After installation, the service can be started from the Services snap-in of the Microsoft Management Console.
Once started, you can access Manticore using the MySQL command line interface:
mysql -P9306 -h127.0.0.1
Note that in most examples in this manual, we use -h0
to connect to the local host, but in Windows, you must use localhost