If you're looking for information on adding documents to a plain table, please refer to the section on adding data from external storages.
Adding documents in real-time is supported only for Real-Time and percolate tables. The corresponding SQL command, HTTP endpoint, or client functions insert new rows (documents) into a table with the provided field values. It's not necessary for a table to exist before adding documents to it. If the table doesn't exist, Manticore will attempt to create it automatically. For more information, see Auto schema.
You can insert a single or multiple documents with values for all fields of the table or just a portion of them. In this case, the other fields will be filled with their default values (0 for scalar types, an empty string for text types).
Expressions are not currently supported in INSERT
, so values must be explicitly specified.
The ID field/value can be omitted, as RT and PQ tables support auto-id functionality. You can also use 0
as the id value to force automatic ID generation. Rows with duplicate IDs will not be overwritten by INSERT
. Instead, you can use REPLACE for that purpose.
When using the HTTP JSON protocol, you have two different request formats to choose from: a common Manticore format and an Elasticsearch-like format. Both formats are demonstrated in the examples below.
Additionally, when using the Manticore JSON request format, keep in mind that the doc
node is required, and all the values should be provided within it.
- Elasticsearch
- Python
- Javascript
- Java
- C#
General syntax:
INSERT INTO <table name> [(column, ...)]
VALUES (value, ...)
[, (...)]
INSERT INTO products(title,price) VALUES ('Crossbody Bag with Tassel', 19.85);
INSERT INTO products(title) VALUES ('Crossbody Bag with Tassel');
INSERT INTO products VALUES (0,'Yellow bag', 4.95);
POST /insert
"title" : "Crossbody Bag with Tassel",
"price" : 19.85
POST /insert
"title" : "Crossbody Bag with Tassel"
POST /insert
"title" : "Yellow bag"
requires Manticore Buddy. If it doesn't work, make sure Buddy is installed.
POST /products/_create/3
"title": "Yellow Bag with Tassel",
"price": 19.85
POST /products/_create/
"title": "Red Bag with Tassel",
"price": 19.85
['id' => 1, 'title' => 'Crossbody Bag with Tassel', 'price' => 19.85]
['id' => 2, 'title' => 'Crossbody Bag with Tassel']
['id' => 0, 'title' => 'Yellow bag']
indexApi.insert({"table" : "test", "id" : 1, "doc" : {"title" : "Crossbody Bag with Tassel", "price" : 19.85}})
indexApi.insert({"table" : "test", "id" : 2, "doc" : {"title" : "Crossbody Bag with Tassel"}})
indexApi.insert({"table" : "test", "id" : 0, "doc" : {{"title" : "Yellow bag"}})
res = await indexApi.insert({"table" : "test", "id" : 1, "doc" : {"title" : "Crossbody Bag with Tassel", "price" : 19.85}});
res = await indexApi.insert({"table" : "test", "id" : 2, "doc" : {"title" : "Crossbody Bag with Tassel"}});
res = await indexApi.insert({"table" : "test", "id" : 0, "doc" : {{"title" : "Yellow bag"}});
InsertDocumentRequest newdoc = new InsertDocumentRequest();
HashMap<String,Object> doc = new HashMap<String,Object>(){{
put("title","Crossbody Bag with Tassel");
sqlresult = indexApi.insert(newdoc);
newdoc = new InsertDocumentRequest();
HashMap<String,Object> doc = new HashMap<String,Object>(){{
put("title","Crossbody Bag with Tassel");
sqlresult = indexApi.insert(newdoc);
newdoc = new InsertDocumentRequest();
HashMap<String,Object> doc = new HashMap<String,Object>(){{
put("title","Yellow bag");
sqlresult = indexApi.insert(newdoc);
Dictionary<string, Object> doc = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
doc.Add("title", "Crossbody Bag with Tassel");
doc.Add("price", 19.85);
InsertDocumentRequest newdoc = new InsertDocumentRequest(index: "products", id: 1, doc: doc);
var sqlresult = indexApi.Insert(newdoc);
doc = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
doc.Add("title", "Crossbody Bag with Tassel");
newdoc = new InsertDocumentRequest(index: "products", id: 2, doc: doc);
sqlresult = indexApi.Insert(newdoc);
doc = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
doc.Add("title", "Yellow bag");
newdoc = new InsertDocumentRequest(index: "products", id: 0, doc: doc);
sqlresult = indexApi.Insert(newdoc);
Query OK, 1 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Query OK, 1 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Query OK, 1 rows affected (0.00 sec)
"table": "products",
"_id": 1,
"created": true,
"result": "created",
"status": 201
"table": "products",
"_id": 2,
"created": true,
"result": "created",
"status": 201
"table": "products",
"_id": 1657860156022587406,
"created": true,
"result": "created",
"status": 201
NOTE: Auto schema requires Manticore Buddy. If it doesn't work, make sure Buddy is installed.
Manticore features an automatic table creation mechanism, which activates when a specified table in the insert query doesn't yet exist. This mechanism is enabled by default. To disable it, set auto_schema = 0
in the Searchd section of your Manticore config file.
By default, all text values in the VALUES
clause are considered to be of the text
type, except for values representing valid email addresses, which are treated as the string
If you attempt to INSERT multiple rows with different, incompatible value types for the same field, auto table creation will be canceled, and an error message will be returned. However, if the different value types are compatible, the resulting field type will be the one that accommodates all the values. Some automatic data type conversions that may occur include:
- mva -> mva64
- uint -> bigint -> float (this may cause some precision loss)
- string -> text
Also, the following formats of dates will be recognized and converted to timestamps while all other date formats will be treated as strings:
Keep in mind that the /bulk
HTTP endpoint does not support automatic table creation (auto schema). Only the /_bulk
(Elasticsearch-like) HTTP endpoint and the SQL interface support this feature.
MySQL [(none)]> drop table if exists t; insert into t(i,f,t,s,j,b,m,mb) values(123,1.2,'text here','test@mail.com','{"a": 123}',1099511627776,(1,2),(1099511627776,1099511627777)); desc t; select * from t;
POST /insert -d
"id": 2,
"i" : 123,
"f" : 1.23,
"t": "text here",
"s": "test@mail.com",
"j": {"a": 123},
"b": 1099511627776,
"m": [1,2],
"mb": [1099511627776,1099511627777]
drop table if exists t
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.42 sec)
insert into t(i,f,t,j,b,m,mb) values(123,1.2,'text here','{"a": 123}',1099511627776,(1,2),(1099511627776,1099511627777))
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
desc t
| Field | Type | Properties |
| id | bigint | |
| t | text | indexed stored |
| s | string | |
| j | json | |
| i | uint | |
| b | bigint | |
| f | float | |
| m | mva | |
| mb | mva64 | |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
select * from t
| id | i | b | f | m | mb | t | s | j |
| 5045949922868723723 | 123 | 1099511627776 | 1.200000 | 1,2 | 1099511627776,1099511627777 | text here | test@mail.com | {"a": 123} |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Manticore provides an auto ID generation functionality for the column ID of documents inserted or replaced into a real-time or Percolate table. The generator produces a unique ID for a document with some guarantees, but it should not be considered an auto-incremented ID.
The generated ID value is guaranteed to be unique under the following conditions:
- The server_id value of the current server is in the range of 0 to 127 and is unique among nodes in the cluster, or it uses the default value generated from the MAC address as a seed
- The system time does not change for the Manticore node between server restarts
- The auto ID is generated fewer than 16 million times per second between search server restarts
The auto ID generator creates a 64-bit integer for a document ID and uses the following schema:
- Bits 0 to 23 form a counter that gets incremented on every call to the auto ID generator
- Bits 24 to 55 represent the Unix timestamp of the server start
- Bits 56 to 63 correspond to the server_id
This schema ensures that the generated ID is unique among all nodes in the cluster and that data inserted into different cluster nodes does not create collisions between the nodes.
As a result, the first ID from the generator used for auto ID is NOT 1 but a larger number. Additionally, the document stream inserted into a table might have non-sequential ID values if inserts into other tables occur between calls, as the ID generator is singular in the server and shared between all its tables.
- Python
- Javascript
- Java
- C#
INSERT INTO products(title,price) VALUES ('Crossbody Bag with Tassel', 19.85);
INSERT INTO products VALUES (0,'Yello bag', 4.95);
select * from products;
POST /insert
"title" : "Yellow bag"
GET /search
['id' => 0, 'title' => 'Yellow bag']
indexApi.insert({"table" : "products", "id" : 0, "doc" : {"title" : "Yellow bag"}})
res = await indexApi.insert({"table" : "products", "id" : 0, "doc" : {"title" : "Yellow bag"}});
newdoc = new InsertDocumentRequest();
HashMap<String,Object> doc = new HashMap<String,Object>(){{
put("title","Yellow bag");
sqlresult = indexApi.insert(newdoc);
Dictionary<string, Object> doc = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
doc.Add("title", "Yellow bag");
InsertDocumentRequest newdoc = new InsertDocumentRequest(index: "products", id: 0, doc: doc);
var sqlresult = indexApi.Insert(newdoc);
| id | price | title |
| 1657860156022587404 | 19.850000 | Crossbody Bag with Tassel |
| 1657860156022587405 | 4.950000 | Yello bag |
"took": 0,
"timed_out": false,
"hits": {
"total": 1,
"hits": [
"_id": 1657860156022587406,
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"price": 0,
"title": "Yellow bag"
statement allows for generating N unique 64-bit IDs in a single call without inserting any documents. It is particularly useful when you need to pre-generate IDs in Manticore for use in other systems or storage solutions. For example, you can generate auto-IDs in Manticore and then use them in another database, application, or workflow, ensuring consistent and unique identifiers across different environments.
- Example
| uuid_short() |
| 1227930988733973183 |
| 1227930988733973184 |
| 1227930988733973185 |
You can insert not just a single document into a real-time table, but as many as you'd like. It's perfectly fine to insert batches of tens of thousands of documents into a real-time table. However, it's important to keep the following points in mind:
- The larger the batch, the higher the latency of each insert operation
- The larger the batch, the higher the indexation speed you can expect
- You might want to increase the max_packet_size value to allow for larger batches
- Normally, each batch insert operation is considered a single transaction with atomicity guarantee, so you will either have all the new documents in the table at once or, in case of failure, none of them will be added. See more details about an empty line or switching to another table in the "JSON" example.
Note that the /bulk
HTTP endpoint does not support automatic creation of tables (auto schema). Only the /_bulk
(Elasticsearch-like) HTTP endpoint and the SQL interface support this feature. The /_bulk
(Elasticsearch-like) HTTP endpoint allows the table name to include the cluster name in the format cluster_name:table_name
endpoint accepts document IDs in the same format as Elasticsearch, and you can also include the id
within the document itself:
{ "index": { "table" : "products", "_id" : "1" } }
{ "title" : "Crossbody Bag with Tassel", "price": 19.85 }
{ "index": { "table" : "products" } }
{ "title" : "Crossbody Bag with Tassel", "price": 19.85, "id": "1" }
The /bulk
(Manticore mode) endpoint supports Chunked transfer encoding. You can use it to transmit large batches. It:
- reduces peak RAM usage, lowering the risk of OOM
- decreases response time
- allows you to bypass max_packet_size and transfer batches much larger than the maximum allowed value of
(128MB), for example, 1GB at a time.
- Elasticsearch
- Python
- Javascript
- Java
- C#
For bulk insert, simply provide more documents in brackets after VALUES()
. The syntax is:
INSERT INTO <table name>[(column1, column2, ...)] VALUES(value1[, value2 , ...]), (...)
The optional column name list allows you to explicitly specify values for some of the columns present in the table. All other columns will be filled with their default values (0 for scalar types, empty string for string types).
For example:
INSERT INTO products(title,price) VALUES ('Crossbody Bag with Tassel', 19.85), ('microfiber sheet set', 19.99), ('Pet Hair Remover Glove', 7.99);
The syntax is generally the same as for inserting a single document. Just provide more lines, one for each document, and use the /bulk
endpoint instead of /insert
. Enclose each document in the "insert" node. Note that it also requires:
Content-Type: application/x-ndjson
- The data should be formatted as newline-delimited JSON (NDJSON). Essentially, this means that each line should contain exactly one JSON statement and end with a newline
and possibly\r
The /bulk
endpoint supports 'insert', 'replace', 'delete', and 'update' queries. Keep in mind that you can direct operations to multiple tables, but transactions are only possible for a single table. If you specify more, Manticore will gather operations directed to one table into a single transaction. When the table changes, it will commit the collected operations and initiate a new transaction on the new table. An empty line separating batches also leads to committing the previous batch and starting a new transaction.
In the response for a /bulk
request, you can find the following fields:
- "errors": shows whether any errors occurred (true/false)
- "error": describes the error that took place
- "current_line": the line number where execution stopped (or failed); empty lines, including the first empty line, are also counted
- "skipped_lines": the count of non-committed lines, beginning from the
and moving backward
POST /bulk
-H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" -d '
{"insert": {"table":"products", "id":1, "doc": {"title":"Crossbody Bag with Tassel","price" : 19.85}}}
{"insert":{"table":"products", "id":2, "doc": {"title":"microfiber sheet set","price" : 19.99}}}
POST /bulk
-H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" -d '
{"insert":{"table":"test1","id":21,"doc":{"int_col":1,"price":1.1,"title":"bulk doc one"}}}
{"insert":{"table":"test1","id":22,"doc":{"int_col":2,"price":2.2,"title":"bulk doc two"}}}
{"insert":{"table":"test1","id":23,"doc":{"int_col":3,"price":3.3,"title":"bulk doc three"}}}
{"insert":{"table":"test2","id":24,"doc":{"int_col":4,"price":4.4,"title":"bulk doc four"}}}
{"insert":{"table":"test2","id":25,"doc":{"int_col":5,"price":5.5,"title":"bulk doc five"}}}
requires Manticore Buddy if the table doesn't exist yet. If it doesn't work, make sure Buddy is installed.
POST /_bulk
-H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" -d '
{ "index" : { "table" : "products" } }
{ "title" : "Yellow Bag", "price": 12 }
{ "create" : { "table" : "products" } }
{ "title" : "Red Bag", "price": 12.5, "id": 3 }
Use method addDocuments():
['id' => 1, 'title' => 'Crossbody Bag with Tassel', 'price' => 19.85],
['id' => 2, 'title' => 'microfiber sheet set', 'price' => 19.99],
['id' => 3, 'title' => 'Pet Hair Remover Glove', 'price' => 7.99]
docs = [ \
{"insert": {"table" : "products", "id" : 1, "doc" : {"title" : "Crossbody Bag with Tassel", "price" : 19.85}}}, \
{"insert": {"table" : "products", "id" : 2, "doc" : {"title" : "microfiber sheet set", "price" : 19.99}}}, \
{"insert": {"table" : "products", "id" : 3, "doc" : {"title" : "CPet Hair Remover Glove", "price" : 7.99}}}
res = indexApi.bulk('\n'.join(map(json.dumps,docs)))
let docs = [
{"insert": {"table" : "products", "id" : 3, "doc" : {"title" : "Crossbody Bag with Tassel", "price" : 19.85}}},
{"insert": {"table" : "products", "id" : 4, "doc" : {"title" : "microfiber sheet set", "price" : 19.99}}},
{"insert": {"table" : "products", "id" : 5, "doc" : {"title" : "CPet Hair Remover Glove", "price" : 7.99}}}
res = await indexApi.bulk(docs.map(e=>JSON.stringify(e)).join('\n'));
String body = "{\"insert\": {\"index\" : \"products\", \"id\" : 1, \"doc\" : {\"title\" : \"Crossbody Bag with Tassel\", \"price\" : 19.85}}}"+"\n"+
"{\"insert\": {\"index\" : \"products\", \"id\" : 4, \"doc\" : {\"title\" : \"microfiber sheet set\", \"price\" : 19.99}}}"+"\n"+
"{\"insert\": {\"index\" : \"products\", \"id\" : 5, \"doc\" : {\"title\" : \"CPet Hair Remover Glove\", \"price\" : 7.99}}}"+"\n";
BulkResponse bulkresult = indexApi.bulk(body);
string body = "{\"insert\": {\"index\" : \"products\", \"id\" : 1, \"doc\" : {\"title\" : \"Crossbody Bag with Tassel\", \"price\" : 19.85}}}"+"\n"+
"{\"insert\": {\"index\" : \"products\", \"id\" : 4, \"doc\" : {\"title\" : \"microfiber sheet set\", \"price\" : 19.99}}}"+"\n"+
"{\"insert\": {\"index\" : \"products\", \"id\" : 5, \"doc\" : {\"title\" : \"CPet Hair Remover Glove\", \"price\" : 7.99}}}"+"\n";
BulkResponse bulkresult = indexApi.Bulk(string.Join("\n", docs));
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Expressions are currently not supported in INSERT
, and values should be explicitly specified.
"items": [
"bulk": {
"table": "products",
"_id": 2,
"created": 2,
"deleted": 0,
"updated": 0,
"result": "created",
"status": 201
"current_line": 4,
"skipped_lines": 0,
"errors": false,
"error": ""
"items": [
"bulk": {
"table": "test1",
"_id": 22,
"created": 2,
"deleted": 0,
"updated": 0,
"result": "created",
"status": 201
"bulk": {
"table": "test1",
"_id": 23,
"created": 1,
"deleted": 0,
"updated": 0,
"result": "created",
"status": 201
"bulk": {
"table": "test2",
"_id": 25,
"created": 2,
"deleted": 0,
"updated": 0,
"result": "created",
"status": 201
"current_line": 8,
"skipped_lines": 0,
"errors": false,
"error": ""
"items": [
"table": {
"table": "products",
"_type": "doc",
"_id": 1657860156022587406,
"_version": 1,
"result": "created",
"_shards": {
"total": 1,
"successful": 1,
"failed": 0
"_seq_no": 0,
"_primary_term": 1,
"status": 201
"create": {
"table": "products",
"_type": "doc",
"_id": 3,
"_version": 1,
"result": "created",
"_shards": {
"total": 1,
"successful": 1,
"failed": 0
"_seq_no": 0,
"_primary_term": 1,
"status": 201
"errors": false,
"took": 1
- Elasticsearch
- Python
- Javascript
- Java
- C#
INSERT INTO products(title, sizes) VALUES('shoes', (40,41,42,43));
POST /insert
"title" : "shoes",
"sizes" : [40, 41, 42, 43]
POST /products/_create/1
"title": "shoes",
"sizes" : [40, 41, 42, 43]
Or, alternatively
POST /products/_doc/
"title": "shoes",
"sizes" : [40, 41, 42, 43]
['title' => 'shoes', 'sizes' => [40,41,42,43]],
indexApi.insert({"table" : "products", "id" : 0, "doc" : {"title" : "Yellow bag","sizes":[40,41,42,43]}})
res = await indexApi.insert({"table" : "products", "id" : 0, "doc" : {"title" : "Yellow bag","sizes":[40,41,42,43]}});
newdoc = new InsertDocumentRequest();
HashMap<String,Object> doc = new HashMap<String,Object>(){{
put("title","Yellow bag");
put("sizes",new int[]{40,41,42,43});
sqlresult = indexApi.insert(newdoc);
Dictionary<string, Object> doc = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
doc.Add("title", "Yellow bag");
doc.Add("sizes", new List<Object> {40,41,42,43});
InsertDocumentRequest newdoc = new InsertDocumentRequest(index: "products", id: 0, doc: doc);
var sqlresult = indexApi.Insert(newdoc);
JSON value can be inserted as an escaped string (via SQL or JSON) or as a JSON object (via the JSON interface).
- Elasticsearch
- Python
- Javascript
- Java
- C#
INSERT INTO products VALUES (1, 'shoes', '{"size": 41, "color": "red"}');
JSON value can be inserted as a JSON object
POST /insert
"title" : "shoes",
"meta" : {
"size": 41,
"color": "red"
JSON value can be also inserted as a string containing escaped JSON:
POST /insert
"title" : "shoes",
"meta" : "{\"size\": 41, \"color\": \"red\"}"
POST /products/_create/1
"title": "shoes",
"meta" : {
"size": 41,
"color": "red"
Or, alternatively
POST /products/_doc/
"title": "shoes",
"meta" : {
"size": 41,
"color": "red"
['title' => 'shoes', 'meta' => '{"size": 41, "color": "red"}'],
indexApi = api = manticoresearch.IndexApi(client)
indexApi.insert({"table" : "products", "id" : 0, "doc" : {"title" : "Yellow bag","meta":'{"size": 41, "color": "red"}'}})
res = await indexApi.insert({"table" : "products", "id" : 0, "doc" : {"title" : "Yellow bag","meta":'{"size": 41, "color": "red"}'}});
newdoc = new InsertDocumentRequest();
HashMap<String,Object> doc = new HashMap<String,Object>(){{
put("title","Yellow bag");
new HashMap<String,Object>(){{
sqlresult = indexApi.insert(newdoc);
Dictionary<string, Object> meta = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
meta.Add("size", 41);
meta.Add("color", "red");
Dictionary<string, Object> doc = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
doc.Add("title", "Yellow bag");
doc.Add("meta", meta);
InsertDocumentRequest newdoc = new InsertDocumentRequest(index: "products", id: 0, doc: doc);
var sqlresult = indexApi.Insert(newdoc);
In a percolate table documents that are percolate query rules are stored and must follow the exact schema of four fields:
field | type | description |
id | bigint | PQ rule identifier (if omitted, it will be assigned automatically) |
query | string | Full-text query (can be empty) compatible with the percolate table |
filters | string | Additional filters by non-full-text fields (can be empty) compatible with the percolate table |
tags | string | A string with one or many comma-separated tags, which may be used to selectively show/delete saved queries |
Any other field names are not supported and will trigger an error.
Warning: Inserting/replacing JSON-formatted PQ rules via SQL will not work. In other words, the JSON-specific operators (match
etc) will be considered just parts of the rule's text that should match with documents. If you prefer JSON syntax, use the HTTP endpoint instead of INSERT
- Python
- Javascript
- Java
- C#
INSERT INTO pq(id, query, filters) VALUES (1, '@title shoes', 'price > 5');
INSERT INTO pq(id, query, tags) VALUES (2, '@title bag', 'Louis Vuitton');
There are two ways you can add a percolate query into a percolate table:
Query in JSON /search compatible format, described at json/search
PUT /pq/pq_table/doc/1 { "query": { "match": { "title": "shoes" }, "range": { "price": { "gt": 5 } } }, "tags": ["Loius Vuitton"] }
Query in SQL format, described at search query syntax
PUT /pq/pq_table/doc/2 { "query": { "ql": "@title shoes" }, "filters": "price > 5", "tags": ["Loius Vuitton"] }
$newstoredquery = [
'table' => 'test_pq',
'body' => [
'query' => [
'match' => [
'title' => 'shoes'
'range' => [
'price' => [
'gt' => 5
'tags' => ['Loius Vuitton']
newstoredquery ={"table" : "test_pq", "id" : 2, "doc" : {"query": {"ql": "@title shoes"},"filters": "price > 5","tags": ["Loius Vuitton"]}}
newstoredquery ={"table" : "test_pq", "id" : 2, "doc" : {"query": {"ql": "@title shoes"},"filters": "price > 5","tags": ["Loius Vuitton"]}};
newstoredquery = new HashMap<String,Object>(){{
put("query",new HashMap<String,Object >(){{
put("q1","@title shoes");
put("tags",new String[] {"Loius Vuitton"});
Dictionary<string, Object> query = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
query.Add("q1", "@title shoes");
query.Add("filters", "price>5");
query.Add("tags", new List<string> {"Loius Vuitton"});
Dictionary<string, Object> newstoredquery = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
newstoredquery.Add("query", query);
InsertDocumentRequest newdoc = new InsertDocumentRequest(index: "test_pq", id: 2, doc: doc);
| id | query | tags | filters |
| 1 | @title shoes | | price>5 |
| 2 | @title bag | Louis Vuitton | |
If you don't specify an ID, it will be assigned automatically. You can read more about auto-ID here.
- Python
- Javascript
- Java
- C#
INSERT INTO pq(query, filters) VALUES ('wristband', 'price > 5');
PUT /pq/pq_table/doc
"query": {
"match": {
"title": "shoes"
"range": {
"price": {
"gt": 5
"tags": ["Loius Vuitton"]
PUT /pq/pq_table/doc
"query": {
"ql": "@title shoes"
"filters": "price > 5",
"tags": ["Loius Vuitton"]
$newstoredquery = [
'table' => 'pq_table',
'body' => [
'query' => [
'match' => [
'title' => 'shoes'
'range' => [
'price' => [
'gt' => 5
'tags' => ['Loius Vuitton']
indexApi = api = manticoresearch.IndexApi(client)
newstoredquery ={"table" : "test_pq", "doc" : {"query": {"ql": "@title shoes"},"filters": "price > 5","tags": ["Loius Vuitton"]}}
newstoredquery ={"table" : "test_pq", "doc" : {"query": {"ql": "@title shoes"},"filters": "price > 5","tags": ["Loius Vuitton"]}};
res = await indexApi.insert(store_query);
newstoredquery = new HashMap<String,Object>(){{
put("query",new HashMap<String,Object >(){{
put("q1","@title shoes");
put("tags",new String[] {"Loius Vuitton"});
Dictionary<string, Object> query = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
query.Add("q1", "@title shoes");
query.Add("filters", "price>5");
query.Add("tags", new List<string> {"Loius Vuitton"});
Dictionary<string, Object> newstoredquery = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
newstoredquery.Add("query", query);
InsertDocumentRequest newdoc = new InsertDocumentRequest(index: "test_pq", doc: doc);
| id | query | tags | filters |
| 1657843905795719192 | wristband | | price>5 |
"table": "pq_table",
"type": "doc",
"_id": 1657843905795719196,
"result": "created"
"table": "pq_table",
"type": "doc",
"_id": 1657843905795719198,
"result": "created"
[index] => pq_table
[type] => doc
[_id] => 1657843905795719198
[result] => created
{'created': True,
'found': None,
'id': 1657843905795719198,
'table': 'test_pq',
'result': 'created'}
In case of omitted schema in SQL INSERT
command, the following parameters are expected:
- ID. You can use
as the ID to trigger auto-ID generation. - Query - Full-text query.
- Tags - PQ rule tags string.
- Filters - Additional filters by attributes.
INSERT INTO pq VALUES (0, '@title shoes', '', '');
INSERT INTO pq VALUES (0, '@title shoes', 'Louis Vuitton', '');
| id | query | tags | filters |
| 2810855531667783688 | @title shoes | | |
| 2810855531667783689 | @title shoes | Louis Vuitton | |
To replace an existing PQ rule with a new one in SQL, just use a regular REPLACE command. There's a special syntax ?refresh=1
to replace a PQ rule defined in JSON mode via the HTTP JSON interface.
mysql> select * from pq;
| id | query | tags | filters |
| 2810823411335430148 | @title shoes | | |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> replace into pq(id,query) values(2810823411335430148,'@title boots');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from pq;
| id | query | tags | filters |
| 2810823411335430148 | @title boots | | |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
GET /pq/pq/doc/2810823411335430149
"took": 0,
"timed_out": false,
"hits": {
"total": 1,
"hits": [
"_id": 2810823411335430149,
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"query": {
"match": {
"title": "shoes"
"tags": "",
"filters": ""
PUT /pq/pq/doc/2810823411335430149?refresh=1 -d '{
"query": {
"match": {
"title": "boots"
GET /pq/pq/doc/2810823411335430149
"took": 0,
"timed_out": false,
"hits": {
"total": 1,
"hits": [
"_id": 2810823411335430149,
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"query": {
"match": {
"title": "boots"
"tags": "",
"filters": ""
You can ingest data into Manticore from external storages using various methods:
- Indexer tool to fetch data from various databases into plain tables.
- Logstash, Filebeat, and Vector.dev integrations to put data to Manticore real-time tables from these tools.
- Kafka integration to synchronize data from Kafka topics into a real-time table.
Plain tables are tables that are created one-time by fetching data at creation from one or several sources. A plain table is immutable as documents cannot be added or deleted during its lifespan. It is only possible to update values of numeric attributes (including MVA). Refreshing the data is only possible by recreating the whole table.
Plain tables are available only in the Plain mode and their definition is made up of a table declaration and one or several source declarations. The data gathering and table creation are not made by the searchd
server but by the auxiliary tool indexer
Indexer is a command-line tool that can be called directly from the command line or from shell scripts.
It can accept a number of arguments when called, but there are also several settings of its own in the Manticore configuration file.
In the typical scenario, indexer does the following:
- Fetches the data from the source
- Builds the plain table
- Writes the table files
- (Optional) Informs the search server about the new table which triggers table rotation
The indexer
tool is used to create plain tables in Manticore Search. It has a general syntax of:
indexer [OPTIONS] [table_name1 [table_name2 [...]]]
When creating tables with indexer
, the generated table files must be made with permissions that allow searchd
to read, write, and delete them. In case of the official Linux packages, searchd
runs under the manticore
user. Therefore, indexer
must also run under the manticore
sudo -u manticore indexer ...
If you are running searchd
differently, you might need to omit sudo -u manticore
. Just make sure that the user under which your searchd
instance is running has read/write permissions to the tables generated using indexer
To create a plain table, you need to list the table(s) you want to process. For example, if your manticore.conf
file contains details on two tables, mybigindex
and mysmallindex
, you could run:
sudo -u manticore indexer mysmallindex mybigindex
You can also use wildcard tokens to match table names:
matches any single character*
matches any count of any characters%
matches none or any single character
sudo -u manticore indexer indexpart*main --rotate
The exit codes for indexer are as follows:
- 0: everything went OK
- 1: there was a problem while indexing (and if
was specified, it was skipped) or an operation emitted a warning - 2: indexing went OK, but the
attempt failed
You can also start indexer
using the following systemctl unit file:
systemctl start --no-block manticore-indexer
Or, in case you want to build a specific table:
systemctl start --no-block manticore-indexer@specific-table-name
Use the systemctl set-environment INDEXER_CONFIG
command to run the Indexer with a custom configuration, which replaces the default settings.
The systemctl set-environment INDEXER_ARGS
command lets you add custom startup options for the Indexer. For a complete list of command-line options, see here.
For instance, to start the Indexer in quiet mode, run:
systemctl set-environment INDEXER_ARGS='--quiet'
systemctl restart manticore-indexer
To revert the changes, run:
systemctl set-environment INDEXER_ARGS=''
systemctl restart manticore-indexer
--config <file>
(-c <file>
for short) tellsindexer
to use the given file as its configuration. Normally, it will look formanticore.conf
in the installation directory (e.g./etc/manticoresearch/manticore.conf
), followed by the current directory you are in when callingindexer
from the shell. This is most useful in shared environments where the binary files are installed in a global folder, e.g./usr/bin/
, but you want to provide users with the ability to make their own custom Manticore set-ups, or if you want to run multiple instances on a single server. In cases like those you could allow them to create their ownmanticore.conf
files and pass them toindexer
with this option. For example:sudo -u manticore indexer --config /home/myuser/manticore.conf mytable
to update every table listed inmanticore.conf
instead of listing individual tables. This would be useful in small configurations or cron-kind or maintenance jobs where the entire table set will get rebuilt each day or week or whatever period is best. Please note that since--all
tries to update all found tables in the configuration, it will issue a warning if it encounters RealTime tables and the exit code of the command will be1
even if the plain tables finished without issue. Example usage:sudo -u manticore indexer --config /home/myuser/manticore.conf --all
is used for rotating tables. Unless you have the situation where you can take the search function offline without troubling users you will almost certainly need to keep search running whilst indexing new documents.--rotate
creates a second table, parallel to the first (in the same place, simply including.new
in the filenames). Once complete,indexer
via sending theSIGHUP
signal, and thesearchd
will attempt to rename the tables (renaming the existing ones to include.old
and renaming the.new
to replace them), and then will start serving from the newer files. Depending on the setting of seamless_rotate there may be a slight delay in being able to search the newer tables. In case multiple tables are rotated at once which are chained by killlist_target relations rotation will start with the tables that are not targets and finish with the ones at the end of target chain. Example usage:sudo -u manticore indexer --rotate --all
ot to output anything, unless there is an error. This is mostly used for cron-type or other scripted jobs where the output is irrelevant or unnecessary, except in the event of some kind of error. Example usage:sudo -u manticore indexer --rotate --all --quiet
does not display progress details as they occur. Instead, the final status details (such as documents indexed, speed of indexing and so on are only reported at completion of indexing. In instances where the script is not being run on a console (or 'tty'), this will be on by default. Example usage:sudo -u manticore indexer --rotate --all --noprogress
--buildstops <outputfile.text> <N>
reviews the table source, as if it were indexing the data, and produces a list of the terms that are being indexed. In other words, it produces a list of all the searchable terms that are becoming part of the table. Note, it does not update the table in question, it simply processes the data as if it were indexing, including running queries defined with sql_query_pre or sql_query_post.outputfile.txt
will contain the list of words, one per line, sorted by frequency with most frequent first, andN
specifies the maximum number of words that will be listed. If it's sufficiently large to encompass every word in the table, only that many words will be returned. Such a dictionary list could be used for client application features around "Did you mean…" functionality, usually in conjunction with--buildfreqs
, below. Example:sudo -u manticore indexer mytable --buildstops word_freq.txt 1000
This would produce a document in the current directory,
, with the 1,000 most common words in 'mytable', ordered by most common first. Note that the file will pertain to the last table indexed when specified with multiple tables or--all
(i.e. the last one listed in the configuration file) -
works with--buildstops
(and is ignored if--buildstops
is not specified). As--buildstops
provides the list of words used within the table,--buildfreqs
adds the quantity present in the table, which would be useful in establishing whether certain words should be considered stopwords if they are too prevalent. It will also help with developing "Did you mean…" features where you need to know how much more common a given word compared to another, similar one. For example:sudo -u manticore indexer mytable --buildstops word_freq.txt 1000 --buildfreqs
This would produce the
as above, however after each word would be the number of times it occurred in the table in question. -
--merge <dst-table> <src-table>
is used for physically merging tables together, for example if you have a main+delta scheme, where the main table rarely changes, but the delta table is rebuilt frequently, and--merge
would be used to combine the two. The operation moves from right to left - the contents ofsrc-table
get examined and physically combined with the contents ofdst-table
and the result is left indst-table
. In pseudo-code, it might be expressed as:dst-table += src-table
An example:sudo -u manticore indexer --merge main delta --rotate
In the above example, where the main is the master, rarely modified table, and the delta is more frequently modified one, you might use the above to call
to combine the contents of the delta into the main table and rotate the tables. -
--merge-dst-range <attr> <min> <max>
runs the filter range given upon merging. Specifically, as the merge is applied to the destination table (as part of--merge
, and is ignored if--merge
is not specified),indexer
will also filter the documents ending up in the destination table, and only documents will pass through the filter given will end up in the final table. This could be used for example, in a table where there is a 'deleted' attribute, where 0 means 'not deleted'. Such a table could be merged with:sudo -u manticore indexer --merge main delta --merge-dst-range deleted 0 0
Any documents marked as deleted (value 1) will be removed from the newly-merged destination table. It can be added several times to the command line, to add successive filters to the merge, all of which must be met in order for a document to become part of the final table.
(and its shorter alias--merge-klists
) changes the way kill lists are processed when merging tables. By default, both kill lists get discarded after a merge. That supports the most typical main+delta merge scenario. With this option enabled, however, kill lists from both tables get concatenated and stored into the destination table. Note that a source (delta) table kill list will be used to suppress rows from a destination (main) table at all times. -
allows to reuse existing attributes on reindexing. Whenever the table is rebuilt, each new document id is checked for presence in the "old" table, and if it already exists, its attributes are transferred to the "new" table; if not found, attributes from the new table are used. If the user has updated attributes in the table, but not in the actual source used for the table, all updates will be lost when reindexing; using--keep-attrs
enables saving the updated attribute values from the previous table. It is possible to specify a path for table files to be used instead of the reference path from the config:sudo -u manticore indexer mytable --keep-attrs=/path/to/index/files
--keep-attrs-names=<attributes list>
allows you to specify attributes to reuse from an existing table on reindexing. By default, all attributes from the existing table are reused in the new table:sudo -u manticore indexer mytable --keep-attrs=/path/to/table/files --keep-attrs-names=update,state
--dump-rows <FILE>
dumps rows fetched by SQL source(s) into the specified file, in a MySQL compatible syntax. The resulting dumps are the exact representation of data as received byindexer
and can help repeat indexing-time issues. The command performs fetching from the source and creates both table files and the dump file. -
--print-rt <rt_index> <table>
outputs fetched data from the source as INSERTs for a real-time table. The first lines of the dump will contain the real-time fields and attributes (as a reflection of the plain table fields and attributes). The command performs fetching from the source and creates both table files and the dump output. The command can be used assudo -u manticore indexer -c manticore.conf --print-rt indexrt indexplain > dump.sql
. Only SQL-based sources are supported. MVAs are not supported. -
is useful when you are rebuilding many big tables and want each one rotated intosearchd
as soon as possible. With--sighup-each
will send the SIGHUP signal to searchd after successfully completing work on each table. (The default behavior is to send a single SIGHUP after all the tables are built). -
is useful when you want to check your table with indextool before actually rotating it. indexer won't send the SIGHUP if this option is on. Table files are renamed to .tmp. Use indextool to rename table files to .new and rotate it. Example usage:sudo -u manticore indexer --rotate --nohup mytable sudo -u manticore indextool --rotate --check mytable
prints out SQL queries thatindexer
sends to the database, along with SQL connection and disconnection events. That is useful to diagnose and fix problems with SQL sources. -
for short) lists all the parameters that can be called inindexer
. -
You can also configure indexer behavior in the Manticore configuration file in the indexer
indexer {
lemmatizer_cache = 256M
Lemmatizer cache size. Optional, default is 256K.
Our lemmatizer implementation uses a compressed dictionary format that enables a space/speed tradeoff. It can either perform lemmatization off the compressed data, using more CPU but less RAM, or it can decompress and precache the dictionary either partially or fully, thus using less CPU but more RAM. The lemmatizer_cache directive lets you control how much RAM exactly can be spent for that uncompressed dictionary cache.
Currently, the only available dictionaries are ru.pak, en.pak, and de.pak. These are the Russian, English, and German dictionaries. The compressed dictionary is approximately 2 to 10 MB in size. Note that the dictionary stays in memory at all times too. The default cache size is 256 KB. The accepted cache sizes are 0 to 2047 MB. It's safe to raise the cache size too high; the lemmatizer will only use the needed memory. For example, the entire Russian dictionary decompresses to approximately 110 MB; thus settinglemmatizer_cache
higher than that will not affect the memory use. Even when 1024 MB is allowed for the cache, if only 110 MB is needed, it will only use those 110 MB.
max_file_field_buffer = 128M
Maximum file field adaptive buffer size in bytes. Optional, default is 8MB, minimum is 1MB.
The file field buffer is used to load files referred to from sql_file_field columns. This buffer is adaptive, starting at 1 MB at first allocation, and growing in 2x steps until either the file contents can be loaded or the maximum buffer size, specified by the max_file_field_buffer
directive, is reached.
Thus, if no file fields are specified, no buffer is allocated at all. If all files loaded during indexing are under (for example) 2 MB in size, but the max_file_field_buffer
value is 128 MB, the peak buffer usage would still be only 2 MB. However, files over 128 MB would be entirely skipped.
max_iops = 40
Maximum I/O operations per second, for I/O throttling. Optional, default is 0 (unlimited).
I/O throttling related option. It limits the maximum count of I/O operations (reads or writes) per any given second. A value of 0 means that no limit is imposed.
can cause bursts of intensive disk I/O during building a table, and it might be desirable to limit its disk activity (and reserve something for other programs running on the same machine, such as searchd
). I/O throttling helps to do that. It works by enforcing a minimum guaranteed delay between subsequent disk I/O operations performed by indexer
. Throttling I/O can help reduce search performance degradation caused by building. This setting is not effective for other kinds of data ingestion, e.g. inserting data into a real-time table.
max_iosize = 1048576
Maximum allowed I/O operation size, in bytes, for I/O throttling. Optional, default is 0 (unlimited).
I/O throttling related option. It limits the maximum file I/O operation (read or write) size for all operations performed by indexer
. A value of 0 means that no limit is imposed. Reads or writes that are bigger than the limit will be split into several smaller operations, and counted as several operations by the max_iops setting. At the time of this writing, all I/O calls should be under 256 KB (default internal buffer size) anyway, so max_iosize values higher than 256 KB should not have any effect.
max_xmlpipe2_field = 8M
Maximum allowed field size for XMLpipe2 source type, in bytes. Optional, default is 2 MB.
mem_limit = 256M
# mem_limit = 262144K # same, but in KB
# mem_limit = 268435456 # same, but in bytes
Plain table building RAM usage limit. Optional, default is 128 MB. Enforced memory usage limit that the indexer
will not go above. Can be specified in bytes, or kilobytes (using K postfix), or megabytes (using M postfix); see the example. This limit will be automatically raised if set to an extremely low value causing I/O buffers to be less than 8 KB; the exact lower bound for that depends on the built data size. If the buffers are less than 256 KB, a warning will be produced.
The maximum possible limit is 2047M. Too low values can hurt plain table building speed, but 256M to 1024M should be enough for most, if not all datasets. Setting this value too high can cause SQL server timeouts. During the document collection phase, there will be periods when the memory buffer is partially sorted and no communication with the database is performed; and the database server can timeout. You can resolve that either by raising timeouts on the SQL server side or by lowering mem_limit
on_file_field_error = skip_document
How to handle IO errors in file fields. Optional, default is ignore_field
When there is a problem indexing a file referenced by a file field (sql_file_field), indexer
can either process the document, assuming empty content in this particular field, or skip the document, or fail indexing entirely. on_file_field_error
directive controls that behavior. The values it takes are:
, process the current document without field;skip_document
, skip the current document but continue indexing;fail_index
, fail indexing with an error message.
The problems that can arise are: open error, size error (file too big), and data read error. Warning messages on any problem will be given at all times, regardless of the phase and the on_file_field_error
Note that with on_file_field_error = skip_document
documents will only be ignored if problems are detected during an early check phase, and not during the actual file parsing phase. indexer
will open every referenced file and check its size before doing any work, and then open it again when doing actual parsing work. So in case a file goes away between these two open attempts, the document will still be indexed.
write_buffer = 4M
Write buffer size, bytes. Optional, default is 1MB. Write buffers are used to write both temporary and final table files when indexing. Larger buffers reduce the number of required disk writes. Memory for the buffers is allocated in addition to mem_limit. Note that several (currently up to 4) buffers for different files will be allocated, proportionally increasing the RAM usage.
ignore_non_plain = 1
allows you to completely ignore warnings about skipping non-plain tables. The default is 0 (not ignoring).
There are two approaches to scheduling indexer runs. The first way is the classical method of using crontab. The second way is using a systemd timer with a user-defined schedule. To create the timer unit files, you should place them in the appropriate directory where systemd looks for such unit files. On most Linux distributions, this directory is typically /etc/systemd/system
. Here's how to do it:
Create a timer unit file for your custom schedule:
cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/manticore-indexer@.timer [Unit] Description=Run Manticore Search's indexer on schedule [Timer] OnCalendar=minutely RandomizedDelaySec=5m Unit=manticore-indexer@%i.service [Install] WantedBy=timers.target EOF
More on the
syntax and examples can be found here. -
Edit the timer unit for your specific needs.
Enable the timer:
systemctl enable manticore-indexer@idx1.timer
Start the timer:
systemctl start manticore-indexer@idx1.timer
Repeat steps 2-4 for any additional timers.