Integration with DBeaver

DBeaver is a SQL client software application and a database administration tool. For MySQL databases, it applies the JDBC application programming interface to interact with them via a JDBC driver.

Manticore allows you to use DBeaver for working with data stored in Manticore tables the same way as if it was stored in a MySQL database.

Settings to use

To start working with Manticore in DBeaver, follow these steps:

  • Choose the New database connection option in DBeaver's UI
  • Choose SQL -> MySQL as DBeaver's database driver
  • Set the Server host and Port options corresponding to the host and port of your Manticore instance (keep the database field empty)
  • Set root/<empty password> as authentication credentials

Functions available

Since Manticore does not fully support MySQL, only a part of DBeaver's functionality is available when working with Manticore.

You will be able to:

  • View, create, delete, and rename tables
  • Add and drop table columns
  • Insert, delete, and update column data

You will not be able to:

  • Use database integrity check mechanisms (MyISAM will be set as the only storage engine available)
  • Use MySQL procedures, triggers, events, etc.
  • Manage database users
  • Set other database administration options

Data type handling

Some MySQL data types are not currently supported by Manticore and, therefore, cannot be used when creating a new table with DBeaver. Also, a few of the supported data types are converted to the most similar Manticore types with type precision being ignored in such conversion. Below is the list of supported MySQL data types as well as the Manticore types they are mapped to:

  • BIGINT UNSIGNED => bigint
  • BOOL => boolean
  • DATE, DATETIME, TIMESTAMP => timestamp
  • FLOAT => float
  • INT => int
  • JSON => json

You can find more details about Manticore data types here.

About date types

Manticore is able to handle the DATE, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP data types, however, this reqiures Manticore's Buddy enabled. Otherwise, an attempt to operate with one of these types will result in an error.

Note that the TIME type is not supported.

Possible caveats

  • DBeaver's Preferences -> Connections -> Client identification option must not be turned off or overridden. To work correctly with DBeaver, Manticore needs to distinguish its requests from others. For this, it uses client notification info sent by DBeaver in request headers. Disabling client notification will break that detection and, therefore, Manticore's correct functionality.

  • When trying to update data in your table for the first time, you'll see the No unique key popup message and will be asked to define a custom unique key. When you get this message, perform the following steps:

    • Choose the Custom Unique Key option
    • Choose only the id column in the columns list
    • Press Ok

    After that, you'll be able to update your data safely.

⪢ Extensions


SphinxSE is a MySQL storage engine that can be compiled into MySQL/MariaDB servers using their pluggable architecture.

Despite its name, SphinxSE does not actually store any data itself. Instead, it serves as a built-in client that enables the MySQL server to communicate with searchd, execute search queries, and retrieve search results. All indexing and searching take place outside MySQL.

Some common SphinxSE applications include:

  • Simplifying the porting of MySQL Full-Text Search (FTS) applications to Manticore;
  • Enabling Manticore use with programming languages for which native APIs are not yet available;
  • Offering optimizations when additional Manticore result set processing is needed on the MySQL side (e.g., JOINs with original document tables or additional MySQL-side filtering).

Installing SphinxSE

You will need to obtain a copy of MySQL sources, prepare those, and then recompile MySQL binary. MySQL sources (mysql-5.x.yy.tar.gz) could be obtained from website.

Compiling MySQL 5.0.x with SphinxSE

  1. copy sphinx.5.0.yy.diff patch file into MySQL sources directory and run
    $ patch -p1 < sphinx.5.0.yy.diff

    If there's no .diff file exactly for the specific version you need to: build, try applying .diff with closest version numbers. It is important that the patch should apply with no rejects.

  2. in MySQL sources directory, run
    $ sh BUILD/
  3. in MySQL sources directory, create sql/sphinx directory in and copy all files in mysqlse directory from Manticore sources there. Example:
    $ cp -R /root/builds/sphinx-0.9.7/mysqlse /root/builds/mysql-5.0.24/sql/sphinx
  4. configure MySQL and enable the new engine:
    $ ./configure --with-sphinx-storage-engine
  5. build and install MySQL:
    $ make
    $ make install

Compiling MySQL 5.1.x with SphinxSE

  1. In the MySQL sources directory, create a storage/sphinx directory and copy all files from the mysqlse directory in the Manticore sources to this new location. For example:
    $ cp -R /root/builds/sphinx-0.9.7/mysqlse /root/builds/mysql-5.1.14/storage/sphinx
  2. In the MySQL source directory, run:
    $ sh BUILD/
  3. Configure MySQL and enable the Manticore engine:
    $ ./configure --with-plugins=sphinx
  4. Build and install MySQL:
    $ make
    $ make install

Checking SphinxSE installation

To verify that SphinxSE has been successfully compiled into MySQL, start the newly built server, run the MySQL client, and issue the SHOW ENGINES query. You should see a list of all available engines. Manticore should be present, and the "Support" column should display "YES":

  • sql
mysql> show engines;
| Engine     | Support  | Comment                                                     |
| MyISAM     | DEFAULT  | Default engine as of MySQL 3.23 with great performance      |
| SPHINX     | YES      | Manticore storage engine                                       |
13 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Using SphinxSE

To search using SphinxSE, you'll need to create a special ENGINE=SPHINX "search table" and then use a SELECT statement with the full-text query placed in the WHERE clause for the query column.

Here's an example create statement and search query:

    weight      INTEGER NOT NULL,
    query       VARCHAR(3072) NOT NULL,
    group_id    INTEGER,
) ENGINE=SPHINX CONNECTION="sphinx://localhost:9312/test";

SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE query='test it;mode=any';

In a search table, the first three columns must have the following types: INTEGER UNSIGNED or BIGINT for the 1st column (document ID), INTEGER or BIGINT for the 2nd column (match weight), and VARCHAR or TEXT for the 3rd column (your query). This mapping is fixed; you cannot omit any of these three required columns, move them around, or change their types. Additionally, the query column must be indexed, while all others should remain unindexed. Column names are ignored, so you can use any arbitrary names.

Additional columns must be either INTEGER, TIMESTAMP, BIGINT, VARCHAR, or FLOAT. They will be bound to attributes provided in the Manticore result set by name, so their names must match the attribute names specified in sphinx.conf. If there's no matching attribute name in the Manticore search results, the column will have NULL values.

Special "virtual" attribute names can also be bound to SphinxSE columns. Use _sph_ instead of @ for that purpose. For example, to obtain the values of @groupby, @count, or @distinct virtual attributes, use _sph_groupby, _sph_count, or _sph_distinct column names, respectively.

The CONNECTION string parameter is used to specify the Manticore host, port, and table. If no connection string is specified in CREATE TABLE, the table name * (i.e., search all tables) and localhost:9312 are assumed. The connection string syntax is as follows:


You can change the default connection string later:


You can also override these parameters on a per-query basis.

As shown in the example, both the query text and search options should be placed in the WHERE clause on the search query column (i.e., the 3rd column). Options are separated by semicolons and their names from values by an equality sign. Any number of options can be specified. The available options are:

  • query - query text;
  • mode - matching mode. Must be one of "all", "any", "phrase", "boolean", or "extended". Default is "all";
  • sort - match sorting mode. Must be one of "relevance", "attr_desc", "attr_asc", "time_segments", or "extended". In all modes besides "relevance", the attribute name (or sorting clause for "extended") is also required after a colon:
    ... WHERE query='test;sort=attr_asc:group_id';
    ... WHERE query='test;sort=extended:@weight desc, group_id asc';
  • offset - offset into the result set; default is 0;
  • limit - number of matches to retrieve from the result set; default is 20;
  • index - names of the tables to search:
    ... WHERE query='test;index=test1;';
    ... WHERE query='test;index=test1,test2,test3;';
  • minid, maxid - min and max document ID to match;
  • weights - comma-separated list of weights to be assigned to Manticore full-text fields:
    ... WHERE query='test;weights=1,2,3;';
  • filter, !filter - comma-separated attribute name and a set of values to match:
    # only include groups 1, 5 and 19
    ... WHERE query='test;filter=group_id,1,5,19;';
    # exclude groups 3 and 11
    ... WHERE query='test;!filter=group_id,3,11;';
  • range, !range - comma-separated (integer or bigint) Manticore attribute name, and min and max values to match:
    # include groups from 3 to 7, inclusive
    ... WHERE query='test;range=group_id,3,7;';
    # exclude groups from 5 to 25
    ... WHERE query='test;!range=group_id,5,25;';
  • floatrange, !floatrange - comma-separated (floating point) Manticore attribute name, and min and max values to match:
    # filter by a float size
    ... WHERE query='test;floatrange=size,2,3;';
    # pick all results within 1000 meter from geoanchor
    ... WHERE query='test;floatrange=@geodist,0,1000;';
  • maxmatches - maxmatches - per-query max matches value, as in max_matches search option:
    ... WHERE query='test;maxmatches=2000;';
  • cutoff - maximum allowed matches, as in cutoff search option:
    ... WHERE query='test;cutoff=10000;';
  • maxquerytime - maximum allowed query time (in milliseconds), as in max_query_time search option:
    ... WHERE query='test;maxquerytime=1000;';
  • groupby - group-by function and attribute. Read this about grouping search results:
    ... WHERE query='test;groupby=day:published_ts;';
    ... WHERE query='test;groupby=attr:group_id;';
  • groupsort - group-by sorting clause:
    ... WHERE query='test;groupsort=@count desc;';
  • distinct - an attribute to compute COUNT(DISTINCT) for when doing group-by:
    ... WHERE query='test;groupby=attr:country_id;distinct=site_id';
  • indexweights - comma-separated list of table names and weights to use when searching through several tables:
    ... WHERE query='test;indexweights=tbl_exact,2,tbl_stemmed,1;';
  • fieldweights - comma-separated list of per-field weights that can be used by the ranker:
    ... WHERE query='test;fieldweights=title,10,abstract,3,content,1;';
  • comment - a string to mark this query in query log, as in comment search option:
    ... WHERE query='test;comment=marker001;';
  • select - a string with expressions to compute:
    ... WHERE query='test;select=2*a+3*** as myexpr;';
  • host, port - remote searchd host name and TCP port, respectively:
    ... WHERE query='test;host=sphinx-test.loc;port=7312;';
  • ranker - a ranking function to use with "extended" matching mode, as in ranker. Known values are "proximity_bm25", "bm25", "none", "wordcount", "proximity", "matchany", "fieldmask", "sph04", "expr:EXPRESSION" syntax to support expression-based ranker (where EXPRESSION should be replaced with your specific ranking formula), and "export:EXPRESSION":
    ... WHERE query='test;mode=extended;ranker=bm25;';
    ... WHERE query='test;mode=extended;ranker=expr:sum(lcs);';

    The "export" ranker functions similarly to ranker=expr, but it retains the per-document factor values, while ranker=expr discards them after computing the final WEIGHT() value. Keep in mind that ranker=export is intended for occasional use, such as training a machine learning (ML) function or manually defining your own ranking function, and should not be used in actual production. When utilizing this ranker, you'll likely want to examine the output of the RANKFACTORS() function, which generates a string containing all the field-level factors for each document.

  • sql
    FROM myindex
    WHERE MATCH('dog')
    OPTION ranker=export('100*bm25');
*************************** 1\. row ***************************
           id: 555617
    published: 1110067331
   channel_id: 1059819
        title: 7
      content: 428
     weight(): 69900
rankfactors(): bm25=699, bm25a=0.666478, field_mask=2,
doc_word_count=1, field1=(lcs=1, hit_count=4, word_count=1,
tf_idf=1.038127, min_idf=0.259532, max_idf=0.259532, sum_idf=0.259532,
min_hit_pos=120, min_best_span_pos=120, exact_hit=0,
max_window_hits=1), word1=(tf=4, idf=0.259532)
*************************** 2\. row ***************************
           id: 555313
    published: 1108438365
   channel_id: 1058561
        title: 8
      content: 249
     weight(): 68500
rankfactors(): bm25=685, bm25a=0.675213, field_mask=3,
doc_word_count=1, field0=(lcs=1, hit_count=1, word_count=1,
tf_idf=0.259532, min_idf=0.259532, max_idf=0.259532, sum_idf=0.259532,
min_hit_pos=8, min_best_span_pos=8, exact_hit=0, max_window_hits=1),
field1=(lcs=1, hit_count=2, word_count=1, tf_idf=0.519063,
min_idf=0.259532, max_idf=0.259532, sum_idf=0.259532, min_hit_pos=36,
min_best_span_pos=36, exact_hit=0, max_window_hits=1), word1=(tf=3,
  • geoanchor - geodistance anchor. Learn more about Geo-search in this section. Takes 4 parameters, which are the latitude and longitude attribute names, and anchor point coordinates, respectively:
    ... WHERE query='test;geoanchor=latattr,lonattr,0.123,0.456';

One very important note is that it is much more efficient to let Manticore handle sorting, filtering, and slicing the result set, rather than increasing the max matches count and using WHERE, ORDER BY, and LIMIT clauses on the MySQL side. This is due to two reasons. First, Manticore employs a variety of optimizations and performs these tasks better than MySQL. Second, less data would need to be packed by searchd, transferred, and unpacked by SphinxSE.

You can obtain additional information related to the query results using the SHOW ENGINE SPHINX STATUS statement:

  • sql
| Type   | Name  | Status                                          |
| SPHINX | stats | total: 25, total found: 25, time: 126, words: 2 |
| SPHINX | words | sphinx:591:1256 soft:11076:15945                |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

You can also access this information through status variables. Keep in mind that using this method does not require super-user privileges.

  • sql
mysql> SHOW STATUS LIKE 'sphinx_%';
| Variable_name      | Value                            |
| sphinx_total       | 25                               |
| sphinx_total_found | 25                               |
| sphinx_time        | 126                              |
| sphinx_word_count  | 2                                |
| sphinx_words       | sphinx:591:1256 soft:11076:15945 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

SphinxSE search tables can be joined with tables using other engines. Here's an example using the "documents" table from example.sql:

  • sql
mysql> SELECT content, date_added FROM test.documents docs
-> JOIN t1 ON (
-> WHERE query="one document;mode=any";

| content                             | docdate             |
| this is my test document number two | 2006-06-17 14:04:28 |
| this is my test document number one | 2006-06-17 14:04:28 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

| Type   | Name  | Status                                      |
| SPHINX | stats | total: 2, total found: 2, time: 0, words: 2 |
| SPHINX | words | one:1:2 document:2:2                        |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Building snippets via MySQL

SphinxSE also features a UDF function that allows you to create snippets using MySQL. This functionality is similar to HIGHLIGHT(), but can be accessed through MySQL+SphinxSE.

The binary providing the UDF is called and should be automatically built and installed in the appropriate location along with SphinxSE. If it doesn't install automatically for some reason, locate in the build directory and copy it to your MySQL instance's plugins directory. Once done, register the UDF with the following statement:


The function name must be sphinx_snippets; you cannot use an arbitrary name. The function arguments are as follows:

Prototype: function sphinx_snippets ( document, table, words [, options] );

The document and words arguments can be either strings or table columns. Options must be specified like this: 'value' AS option_name. For a list of supported options, refer to the Highlighting section. The only UDF-specific additional option is called sphinx and allows you to specify the searchd location (host and port).

Usage examples:

SELECT sphinx_snippets('hello world doc', 'main', 'world',
    'sphinx://' AS sphinx, true AS exact_phrase,
    '[**]' AS before_match, '[/**]' AS after_match)
FROM documents;

SELECT title, sphinx_snippets(text, 'index', 'mysql php') AS text
    FROM sphinx, documents
    WHERE query='mysql php' AND;