String functions


Concatenates two or more strings into one. Non-string arguments must be explicitly converted to string using TO_STRING() function

CONCAT(TO_STRING(float_attr), ',', TO_STRING(int_attr), ',', title)


REGEX(attr,expr) function returns 1 if regular expression matched to string of attribute and 0 otherwise. It works with both string and JSON attributes.

SELECT REGEX(content, 'box?') FROM test;
SELECT REGEX(j.color, 'red | pink') FROM test;


SNIPPET() can be used to highlight search results in a given text. The first two arguments are: the text to highlight, and a query. It's possible to pass options to function as third, fourth and so on arguments. SNIPPET() can fetch the text to use in highlighting from index itself. First argument in this case is field name:

SELECT SNIPPET(body,QUERY()) FROM myIndex WHERE MATCH('my.query')   

QUERY() expression in this example returns the current fulltext query. SNIPPET() can also highlight non-indexed text:

mysql  SELECT id, SNIPPET('text to highlight', 'my.query', 'limit=100') FROM myIndex WHERE MATCH('my.query')

It can also be used to highlight text fetched from other sources using an UDF:

SELECT id, SNIPPET(myUdf(id), 'my.query', 'limit=100') FROM myIndex WHERE MATCH('my.query')

where myUdf() would be a UDF that fetches a document by its ID from some external storage. This enables applications to fetch the entire result set directly from Manticore in one query, without having to separately fetch the documents in the application and then send them back to Manticore for highlighting. SNIPPET() is a so-called "post limit" function, meaning that computing snippets is postponed not just until the entire final result set is ready, but even after the LIMIT clause is applied. For example, with a LIMIT 20,10 clause, SNIPPET() will be called at most 10 times.


SUBSTRING_INDEX(string, delimiter, number) returns a substring of a string before a specified number of delimiter occurs

  • string - The original string. Can be a constant string or a string from a string/json attribute.
  • delimiter - The delimiter to search for
  • number - The number of times to search for the delimiter. Can be both a positive or negative number.If it is a positive number, this function will return all to the left of the delimiter. If it is a negative number, this function will return all to the right of the delimiter.
SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(j.coord, ' ', 1) FROM test;

Other functions


Returns ids of documents inserted or replaced by last statement in the current session.

The same value can be also received via @@session.last_insert_id variable:

mysql> select @@session.last_insert_id;
| @@session.last_insert_id |
| 11,32                    |
1 rows in set

mysql> select LAST_INSERT_ID();
| 25,26,29         |
1 rows in set   

SELECT @@system_variable

SELECT @@system_variable [LIMIT [offset,] row_count]

This is currently a placeholder query that does nothing and reports success. That is in order to keep compatibility with frameworks and connectors that automatically execute this statement.

However @@session.last_insert_id and LAST_INSERT_ID() report ID of documents these were inserted or replaced well at last statement.

mysql> select @@session.last_insert_id;
| @@session.last_insert_id |
| 11,32                    |
1 rows in set

mysql> select LAST_INSERT_ID();
| 25,26,29         |
1 rows in set   

▪️ Securing and compacting an index