Reporting bugs

Unfortunately, Manticore is not yet 100% bug free (even though we're working hard towards that), so you might occasionally run into some issues.

Reporting as much as possible about each bug is very important - because to fix it, we need to be able to either reproduce and fix the bug, or to deduce what's causing it from the information that you provide. So here are some instructions how to do that.


We track bugs and feature requests in Github. Feel free to create a new ticket and describe your bug in details so both you and developers can save their time.


Manticore is written in C++ - low level programming language allowing to speak to the computer with not so many intermediate layers for faster performance. The drawback of that is that in rare cases there is no way to handle a bug elegantly writing the error about it to a log and skipping processing the command which caused the problem. Instead of that the program can just crash which means it would stop completely and would have to be restarted.

In case of crashes we sometimes can get enough info to fix from the backtrace which Manticore tries to write down in the log file. It might look like this:


This was an example of a good backtrace - we can see mangled function names here.

But sometimes backtrace may look like this:


Developers might not get anything useful from these cryptic numbers since it doesn't show function names. To help that you need to provide symbols (function and variable names). If you've installed Manticore by building from sources, run the following command over your binary:

nm -n indexer > indexer.sym

Attach this file to a bug report along with backtrace. You should however ensure that the binary is not stripped. Our official binary packages should be fine. However, if you built Manticore manually from sources, do not run strip utility on that binary, and/or do not let your build/packaging system do that, otherwise the symbols will be lost completely.

Core dumps

A core dump is a file containing a process's address space (memory) when the process terminates unexpectedly.

Sometimes the backtrace doesn't provide enough information about the cause of a crash or the crash cannot be easily reproduced and core files are required for troubleshooting.

For searchd (Manticore search server) to record a core dump in case of a crash, the following needs to be ensured:

  • core dumping needs to be enabled on the running operating system. Some operating systems do not have core dumping enabled by default
  • searchd needs to be started with --coredump option

Please note that searchd core files can use a lot of space as they include data from the loaded indexes and each crash creates a new core file. Free space should be monitored while searchd runs with --coredump option enabled to avoid 100% disk usage.


In case Manticore is hanging for some reason and

  1. the instance is under watchdog (which is on by default)
  2. gdb is installed


  • either connect to the instance via mysql (vip or regular port) and issue debug procdump
  • or manually send USR1 signal to watchdog of the hanging instance (not to the instance process itself)
  • or manually run gdb attach <PID_of_hanged> and then these commands one by one:
    1. info threads
    2. thread apply all bt
    3. bt
    4. info locals
    5. detach

In the first 2 cases trace will be in the server's log. In the last (manual gdb) case it has to be copied from console output. These traces need to be attached, it will be very helpful for investigation.

Uploading your data

To fix your bug developers often need to reproduce it locally. To do it they need your configuration file, index files, binlog (if present), sometimes data to index (like data from external storages or XML/CSV files) and queries.

Attach your data when you create a ticket on Github. In case it's too big or the data is sensitive feel free to upload it to our write-only FTP server:

  • ftp:
  • user: manticorebugs
  • pass: shithappens
  • directory: create directory github-issue-N so we understand what data is related with what issue on Github.


DEBUG [ subcommand ]

DEBUG statement is designed to call different internal or vip commands for dev/testing purposes. It is not intended for production automation, since the syntax of subcommand part may be freely changed in any build.

Call DEBUG without params to show list of useful commands (in general) and subcommands (of DEBUG statement) available at the moment.

However you can invoke DEBUG without params to know which subcommands of the statement are available in any particular case:

mysql> debug;
| command        | meaning             |
| flush logs     | emulate USR1 signal |
| reload indexes | emulate HUP signal  |
2 rows in set (0,00 sec)

(these commands are already documented, but such short help just remind about them).

If you connect via 'VIP' connection (see listen for details) the output might be a bit different:

mysql> debug;
| command                   | meaning                      |
| debug shutdown <password> | emulate TERM signal          |
| debug token <password>    | calculate token for password |
| flush logs                | emulate USR1 signal          |
| reload indexes            | emulate HUP signal           |
4 rows in set (0,00 sec)

Here you can see additional commands available only in the current context (namely, if you connected on a VIP port). Two additional subcommands available right now are token and shutdown. The first one just calculates a hash (SHA1) of the (which, in turn, may be empty, or a word, or num/phrase enclosed in '-quotes) like:

mysql> debug token hello;
| command     | result                                   |
| debug token | aaf4c61ddcc5e8a2dabede0f3b482cd9aea9434d |
1 row in set (0,00 sec)

Another debug subcommand shutdown will send a TERM signal to the server and so will make it shut down. Since it is quite dangerous (nobody wants accidentally stop a production service), it:

  1. needs a VIP connection, and
  2. needs the password

For the chosen password you need to generate a token with debug token subcommand, and put it into shutdown_token param of searchd section of the config file. If no such section exists, or if a hash of the provided password does not match with the token stored in the config, the subcommand will do nothing. Otherwise it will cause 'clean' shutdown of the server.


SQL commands

Schema management
Data management
  • INSERT - Adds new documents
  • UPDATE - Replaces existing documents with new ones
  • UPDATE - Does in-place update in documents
  • DELETE - Deletes documents
  • TRUNCATE TABLE - Deletes all documents from index
Flushing misc things
  • FLUSH ATTRIBUTES - Forces flushing updated attributes to disk
  • FLUSH HOSTNAMES - Renews IPs associates to agent host names
  • FLUSH LOGS - Initiates reopen of searchd log and query log files (similar to USR1)
Real-time index optimization
Importing to a real-time index
  • ATTACH INDEX - Moves data from a plain index to a real-time index
  • IMPORT TABLE - Imports previously created RT index into a server running in RT mode
Plain index rotate
  • BEGIN - Begins a transaction
  • COMMIT - Finishes a transaction
  • ROLLBACK - Rolls back a transaction
Server status

HTTP endpoints

  • /sql - Allows running an SQL statement over HTTP
  • /insert - Inserts a document into a real-time index
  • /pq/idx/doc - Inserts a PQ rule into a percolate index
  • /update - Updates a document in a real-time index
  • /replace - Replaces a document in a real-time index
  • [/pq/idx/doc/N?refresh=1] - Replaces a PQ rule in a percolate index
  • /delete - Deletes a document in an index
  • /bulk - Perform several insert, update or delete operations in a single call
  • /search - Performs search
  • /pq/idx/search - Performs reverse search in a percolate index

Common things

Common index settings
Plain index settings
Distributed index settings
RT index settings

Full-text search operators


  • ABS() - Returns absolute value
  • ATAN2() - Returns arctangent function of two arguments
  • BITDOT() - Returns sum of products of an each bit of a mask multiplied with its weight
  • CEIL() - Returns smallest integer value greater or equal to the argument
  • COS() - Returns cosine of the argument
  • CRC32() - Returns CRC32 value of the argument
  • EXP() - Returns exponent of the argument
  • FIBONACCI() - Returns the N-th Fibonacci number, where N is the integer argument
  • FLOOR() - Returns the largest integer value lesser or equal to the argument
  • GREATEST() - Takes JSON/MVA array as the argument and returns the greatest value in that array
  • IDIV() - Returns result of an integer division of the first argument by the second argument
  • LEAST() - Takes JSON/MVA array as the argument, and returns the least value in that array
  • LN() - Returns natural logarithm of the argument
  • LOG10() - Returns common logarithm of the argument
  • LOG2() - Returns binary logarithm of the argument
  • MAX() - Returns the bigger of two arguments
  • MIN() - Returns the smaller of two arguments
  • POW() - Returns the first argument raised to the power of the second argument
  • RAND() - Returns random float between 0..1
  • SIN() - Returns sine of the argument
  • SQRT() - Returns square root of the argument
Searching and ranking
  • BM25F() - Returns precise BM25F formula value
  • EXIST() - Replaces non-existing columns with default values
  • GROUP_CONCAT() - Produces a comma-separated list of the attribute values of all documents in the group
  • HIGHLIGHT() - Highlights search results
  • MIN_TOP_SORTVAL() - Returns sort key value of the worst found element in the current top-N matches
  • MIN_TOP_WEIGHT() - Returns weight of the worst found element in the current top-N matches
  • PACKEDFACTORS() - Outputs weighting factors
  • REMOVE_REPEATS() - Removes repeated adjusted rows with the same 'column' value
  • WEIGHT() - Returns fulltext match score
  • ZONESPANLIST() - Returns pairs of matched zone spans
  • QUERY() - Returns current full-text query
Type casting
  • BIGINT() - Forcibly promotes the integer argument to 64-bit type
  • DOUBLE() - Forcibly promotes given argument to floating point type
  • INTEGER() - Forcibly promotes given argument to 64-bit signed type
  • TO_STRING() - Forcibly promotes the argument to string type
  • UINT() - Forcibly reinterprets given argument to 64-bit unsigned type
  • SINT() - Interprets 32-bit unsigned integer as signed 64-bit integer
Arrays and conditions
  • ALL() - Returns 1 if condition is true for all elements in the array
  • ANY() - Returns 1 if condition is true for any element in the array
  • CONTAINS() - Checks whether the (x,y) point is within the given polygon
  • IF() - Checks whether the 1st argument is equal to 0.0, returns the 2nd argument if it is not zero or the 3rd one when it is
  • IN() - Returns 1 if the first argument is equal to any of the other arguments, or 0 otherwise
  • INDEXOF() - Iterates through all elements in the array and returns index of the first matching element
  • INTERVAL() - Returns index of the argument that is less than the first argument
  • LENGTH() - Returns number of elements in MVA
  • REMAP() - Allows to make some exceptions of expression values depending on the condition values
Date and time
  • NOW() - Returns current timestamp as an INTEGER
  • SECOND() - Returns integer second from the timestamp argument
  • MINUTE() - Returns integer minute from the timestamp argument
  • HOUR() - Returns integer hour from the timestamp argument
  • DAY() - Returns integer day from the timestamp argument
  • MONTH() - Returns integer month from the timestamp argument
  • YEAR() - Returns integer year from the timestamp argument
  • YEARMONTH() - Returns integer year and month code from the timestamp argument
  • YEARMONTHDAY() - Returns integer year, month and day code from the timestamp argument
  • GEODIST() - Computes geosphere distance between two given points
  • GEOPOLY2D() - Creates a polygon that takes in account the Earth's curvature
  • POLY2D() - Creates a simple polygon in plain space
  • CONCAT() - Concatenates two or more strings
  • REGEX() - Returns 1 if regular expression matched to string of attribute and 0 otherwise
  • SNIPPET() - Highlights search results
  • SUBSTRING_INDEX() - Returns a substring of the string before the specified number of delimiter occurs
  • Other
  • LAST_INSERT_ID() - Returns ids of documents inserted or replaced by last statement in the current session

Common settings in configuration file

To be put to section common {} in configuration file:


indexer is a tool to create plain indexes

Indexer settings in configuration file

To be put to section indexer {} in configuration file:

Indexer start parameters
indexer [OPTIONS] [indexname1 [indexname2 [...]]]
  • --all - Rebuilds all indexes from the config
  • --buildstops - Reviews the index source, as if it were indexing the data, and produces a list of the terms that are being indexed.
  • --buildfreqs - Adds the quantity present in the index for --buildstops
  • --config, -c - Path to configuration file
  • --dump-rows - Dumps rows fetched by SQL source(s) into the specified file
  • --help - Lists all the parameters
  • --keep-attrs - Allows to reuse existing attributes on reindexing
  • --keep-attrs-names - Allows to specify attributes to reuse from the existing index
  • --merge-dst-range - Runs the filter range given upon merging
  • --merge-killlists - Changes the way kill lists are processed when merging indexes
  • --merge - Merges two plain indexes into one
  • --nohup - Indexer won't send SIGHUP if this option is on
  • --noprogress - Prevents displaying progress details
  • --print-queries - Prints out SQL queries that indexer sends to the database
  • --print-rt - Outputs data fetched from sql source(s) as INSERTs to a real-time index
  • --quiet - Prevents displaying anything
  • --rotate - Forces indexes rotation after all the indexes are built
  • --sighup-each - Forces rotation of each index after it's built
  • -v - Shows indexer version

Index converter from Manticore v2 / Sphinx v2

index_converter is a tool for converting indexes created with Sphinx/Manticore Search 2.x to Manticore Search 3.x index format.

index_converter {--config /path/to/config|--path}
Index converter start parameters
  • --config, -c - Path to indexes configuration file
  • --index - Specifies which index should be converted
  • --path - Defines path containing index(es) instead of the configuration file
  • --strip-path - Strips path from filenames referenced by index
  • --large-docid - Allows to convert documents with ids larger than 2^63
  • --output-dir - Writes the new files in a chosen folder
  • --all - Converts all indexes from the configuration file / path
  • --killlist-target - Sets the target indexes for which kill-lists will be applied

searchd is a Manticore server.

Searchd settings in a configuration file

To be put to section searchd {} in configuration file:

Searchd start parameters
searchd [OPTIONS]
  • --config, -c - Path to configuration file
  • --console - Forces running in console mode
  • --coredump - Enables saving core dump on crash
  • --cpustats - Enables CPU time reporting
  • --delete - Removes Manticore service from Microsoft Management Console and other places where the services are registered
  • --force-preread - Forbids the server to serve any incoming connection until pre-reading of the index files completes
  • --help, -h - Lists all the parameters
  • --index - Forces serving only the specified index
  • --install - Installs searchd as a service into Microsoft Management Console
  • --iostats - Enables input/output reporting
  • --listen, -l - Overrides listen from the configuration file
  • --logdebug, --logdebugv, --logdebugvv - Enables additional debug output in the server log
  • --logreplication - Enables additional replication debug output in the server log
  • --new-cluster - Bootstraps a replication cluster and makes the server a reference node with cluster restart protection
  • --new-cluster-force - Bootstraps a replication cluster and makes the server a reference node bypassing cluster restart protection
  • --nodetach - Leaves searchd in foreground
  • --ntservice - Passed by Microsoft Management Console to searchd to invoke it as a service on Windows platforms
  • --pidfile - Overrides pid_file from the configuration file
  • --port, p - Specifies port searchd should listen on disregarding the port specified in the configuration file
  • --replay-flags - Specifies extra binary log replay options
  • --servicename - Applies the given name to searchd when installing or deleting the service, as would appear in Microsoft Management Console
  • --status - Queries running search to return its status
  • --stop - Stops Manticore server
  • --stopwait - Stops Manticore server gracefully
  • --strip-path - Strips path names from all the file names referenced from the index
  • -v - shows version information

Miscellaneous index maintenance functionality useful for troubleshooting.

indextool <command> [options]
Indextool start parameters

Used to dump miscellaneous debug information about the physical index

indextool <command> [options]
  • --config, -c - Path to configuration file
  • --quiet, -q - Keeps indextool quiet - it will not output banner, etc
  • --help, -h - Lists all the parameters
  • -v - Shows version information
  • Indextool - Verifies configuration file
  • --buildidf - Builds IDF file from one or several dictionary dumps
  • --build-infixes - Build infixes for an existing dict=keywords index
  • --dumpheader - Quickly dumps the provided index header file
  • --dumpconfig - Dumps index definition from the given index header file in almost compliant manticore.conf file format
  • --dumpheader - Dumps index header by index name with looking up the header path in the configuration file
  • --dumpdict - Dumps index dictionary
  • --dumpdocids - Dumps document IDs by index name
  • --dumphitlist - Dumps all occurrences of the given keyword/id in the given index
  • --fold - Tests tokenization based on index's settings
  • --htmlstrip - Filters STDIN using HTML stripper settings for the given index
  • --mergeidf - Merges several .idf files into a single one
  • --morph - Applies morphology to the given STDIN and prints the result to stdout
  • --check - Checks the index data files for consistency
  • --strip-path - Strips path names from all the file names referenced from the index
  • --rotate - Defines whether to check index waiting for rotation in --check
  • Indextool - Applies kill-lists for all indexes listed in the configuration file

Splits compound words into components.

wordbreaker [-dict path/to/dictionary_file] {split|test|bench}
Wordbreaker start parameters.

Used to extract contents of a dictionary file that uses ispell or MySpell format.

spelldump [options] <dictionary> <affix> [result] [locale-name]
  • dictionary - Dictionary's main file
  • affix - Dictionary's affix file
  • result - Specifies where the dictionary data should be output to
  • locale-name - Specifies the locale details to use